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Subject: New track for you

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Original Message 1/13             28-Aug-03  @  08:34 PM   -   New track for you



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Here is a dance type track, featuring the infamous solid bass and also my home made synth...

Hi-q version only at this time:

have fun,


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Message 2/13             29-Aug-03  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: New track for you


Posts: 54

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The bass/synth melody is out of an eighties song, I know it. I'm pretty sure it was Blue Monday.

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Message 3/13             29-Aug-03  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: New track for you



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No way man!!!

Its all original song as far as i can remember.

but if you do find that 80's song, do tell, i would like to hear it


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Message 4/13             31-Aug-03  @  10:58 PM   -   RE: New track for you


Posts: 80

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see! i told you it sounds like a new order song  

i think hydrofonix got it right...
"blue monday" by new order

(i still don't understand the media's obsession with that song.. new order has much better songs than that!)


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Message 5/13             01-Sep-03  @  05:17 AM   -   RE: New track for you


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It's not a rip-off... it sounds vaguely familiar to the New Order bassline.... so what.

The acid lead half way has to go... You have a retroish, romantic song... it's heart rendering how you hold back with the singing.... Let It Out!!! Shout, breathe... OR leave it wooden and find a vocoder and filter that sucker for robotic effect...

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Message 6/13             01-Sep-03  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: New track for you


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if you care, you need to work on your vocal power. You can hear your voice warble, like youre singing too much from your throat.

Id put some treatment on the vocals too

and the bass sounds nothing like Blue Monday!

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Message 7/13             02-Sep-03  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: New track for you


Posts: 890

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Cool! but like the chaos say gott do something with your vox, just vocode the crap out of it!

and the bass aint nothing like Blue Monday


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Message 8/13             02-Sep-03  @  02:57 PM   -   RE: New track for you



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Thanks for the comments guys.
Yea i know blue monday by new order!, it definitelly sounds different than this.

Youre right about the vocals being weak, but that's just the way my voice is. I'm quite new to singing too, so I think with a lot of practice it could be improved. I will have to sing really really loud or something, to make it sound better. I tried a vocoder type effect on the vocal, but it kinda lost its character. Maybe i'll try it again.

Thanks again,


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Message 9/13             02-Sep-03  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: New track for you


Posts: 7627

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Tom..yeah..practice. Vocal technique.

try singing more from deep down...physically...from your diaphragm.. for vocoding...try copying the vocal track, and treating the copy instead of the main, and then blend them

also..Id try a bandpass with resonance for a sorta "radio" sound to it

then, its too dry, too. Needs delay and or verb on it...try that as well

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Message 10/13             02-Sep-03  @  08:37 PM   -   RE: New track for you



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Good tips, thanks!

Will try them out and see how it turns out


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