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Subject: ok - about this hi-fi space

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Original Message 1/22             28-Sep-03  @  08:44 PM   -   ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 12353

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ok, i added ability to have hi-fi space.

now what's best d'you think

shall we keep it to 20 lo-fi tracks free @ 3mb each track (= 60 mb free) and add 200 mb space for hi-fi?

is 200mb enuff for hi-fi's?... or should we for business sake drop the amount of FREE slots to say 10 and up that to 30 for lo-fi & hi-fi when a user is subscribing?

whaddya think?

if anyone wants to contribute now we can give something over - if we can breach 100 users I'll give the first 100 an extra 100mb free so to perhaps aid word of mouth ?

what'dya think is a good minimum subsciption?

we can add some better home-page templates (contest mebbe?) and also add ability to add a flash banner & stuff like extra band images? ..mebbe (good idea?? not??)

ideas please?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/22             28-Sep-03  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


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so 200 mb per user for hi-fi ONTOP of the lo-fi space we have now? Hell yeah that would be sufficient I think. But to be hounest I like the idea of getting some extra slots for lo-fi if that would sacrify some hi-fi space...
Would definately welcome extra options in designing the personal page too. So where do I sign and pay?  

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Message 3/22             28-Sep-03  @  09:31 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


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Pretty much agree with Marty!

200Mb is good, but seeing as disk space is getting cheaper by the day, perhaps we can look at having different categories ala Electromancer...

They have or used to have a couple of different users.

Free ones... Limited space, limited facilities

Then there were other don't remember what they all were, but basically the more you paid the more stuff you got. Including more disk space, better visibility of your work etc etc

Havinf more control over your page is also good, perhaps allow us to upload our own HTML within certain agreed guidelines. Or just give us more options for look and feel.


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Message 4/22             28-Sep-03  @  09:32 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 80

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Yea, I think it would be better if you didn't limit the amount of tracks but *just* the amount of space.

So minimum 60 MB (or whatever). That way doodA can say "ok, i'll put on 6 hifis" while doodB might say "sweet, i'll drop 20 lo-fi's"


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Message 5/22             28-Sep-03  @  09:33 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 80

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btw, is the lofi dL's deactivated at the moment? I get an error when I try to dL.

"HTTP/1.0 404 Object not Found"


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Message 6/22             28-Sep-03  @  09:39 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


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Sorry... I should've said that it only happens when i go through "view user". But if i go to the person's homepage (eg. then it works.

I used GrooveMonkey's as a test from his latest thread as a test.

maybe it's just me?
ps: i tried restarting my browser and deleting the cookies... IE.

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Message 7/22             28-Sep-03  @  10:07 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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i say whatever is workable and works for people> i'd like to maintain a decent amount of space for lo-fi as well as hi-fi.

when and where do we pay?!?!?!

and...ahem!...a genre-free alplhabetical list of ALL the artists for easy access and reference....please!!!!

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Message 8/22             29-Sep-03  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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i think 30 for a minimum (silver)....50-60 for regular(gold)... and 100 for those who want to sell stuff through dt with seriously expanded web-page.

of course...profits on items sold are split too.
50 / 50.

seems like a fair place to start?
i'm just throwing out ideas....of course.

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Message 9/22             29-Sep-03  @  12:44 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 12353

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ah - good one - I fixed that error on forum VIEW-USER pages (copied over the template from the music section and forgot to re-assign the url) - there's more to change on the site so keep reporting any problems please as I re-work the site to include this hi-fi malarke.

I gotta also work the hi-fi changes into to the user homepages & then I guess we gotta add a: 'STREAM ALL ARTISTS TRACKS IN HI-FI' too.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/22             29-Sep-03  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 80

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on the 7161 music page, when i click on a new track (i tried "ben hur by k" (!)), insead of getting mad continental techno i got:


The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFINCLUDE), occupying document position (203:1) to (203:52) in the template file C:\HTTPD\HTDOCNEW\7161\TRACK.CFM.

Date/Time: 09/29/03 17:15:23
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer:
Query String: track__dt_track_id=514&user=887&carrywith=&music_group=1



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