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Subject: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited

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Original Message 1/8             28-Feb-07  @  11:53 PM   -   Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


Posts: 316

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Thanks for your comments guys regarding my first effort.

Ive attempted to take on board your heres what Ive done in version II.........

Removed the MClass master suite, added/removed tracks/sounds, thickened up the bass, destorted & re adressed the drums, moved the bpm from 115 - 118, & eq'd first using the mixer eq channel for each track & then adding a PEQ2 to each track making necessary adjustments & then I inserted the M Class stereo imager, then the MC Compressor & finally the MC Maximiser between the Hardware Interface & the mixer for the final result.

Its my first time through the whole EQ thing without using the whole MClass Suite between the Hardware Interface & the mixer , so Id like to hear your comments guys if you would take a quick listen to each track & any pointers in the right direction would be most welcome!

new link
Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited

Track EQ'd using MClass Suite
Mind Kontrol Original

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Message 2/8             01-Mar-07  @  08:59 AM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


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hmm.. okay kinda hard to compare the two, they are somewhat different arrangments. BUT... this sounds a way better mix, the sounds blend much better and it feels more cohesive.



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Message 3/8             02-Mar-07  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


Posts: 316

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Cool, thanks GM, that gives me a foundation from which to build now as I attempt to tune my ears & brain too the sounds Im listening too!!!!

.....One more thing, I spent an awful lot of time fine tuning to remove clipping at each step of the whole EQ process, however when I ended up at the final stage where I was working with the MClass Maximiser & having raised the output gain to achieve the vol gain I required & then 'softclip' to remove the clipping (which works superbly) it occurred to me whether I needed to mess about with fine tuning it in the first place or whether I should address it as a whole at the point of dialling in the Maximiser? Is this a corner I should cut in future, any thoughts please?


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Message 4/8             02-Mar-07  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


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From what you have said, it appears that you are mixing too hot! Your channels should not be clipping atall.

Lower the track levels so you do not experience clipping.

Then when you come to mastering the track and you need a little more loudness do it with succsessive comps.

Set a fast attack, slow release and fiddle with threshold and gain reduction till you are nipping around 2 db off, then use the makeup gain to bring it back up. Doing this with a few comps in series will bring the level up in a nice and transparent way. (that tip came from Psy years ago) and it works bloody well.


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Message 5/8             02-Mar-07  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


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GrooveMonkey wrote:

From what you have said, it appears that you are mixing too hot! Your channels should not be clipping atall.

Lower the track levels so you do not experience clipping.

Then when you come to mastering the track and you need a little more loudness do it with succsessive comps.

Set a fast attack, slow release and fiddle with threshold and gain reduction till you are nipping around 2 db off, then use the makeup gain to bring it back up. Doing this with a few comps in series will bring the level up in a nice and transparent way. (that tip came from Psy years ago) and it works bloody well.


Understood, thanks again.

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Message 6/8             10-Mar-07  @  01:42 PM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


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Dunno, the piano'ish bits are not doing it for me- not sure why, feels wierd. I like your drums, although you might want to consider lowering the levels on the hats here and there. my 2c

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Message 7/8             13-Mar-07  @  01:57 PM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited


Posts: 316

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Cheers, Ive been listening to my mixes & I noticed they all seem very 'topsy' so ill try & keep an eye on that. Thanks for the input Maarten, nice one.

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Message 8/8             15-Mar-07  @  10:17 AM   -   RE: Mind Kontrol II EQ Revisited

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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Hey, I like these intro strings... nice vibe, but the piano-ish stuff is somewhat odd in this context. Sunds definetly better than the previous one, although the sound system I am using at the moment is less then ideal... to say the least (my brother-in-law's fucked up home theater system) So I would not dare to comment on eq and balances this time.

As far as arrangement goes, maybe you could make the whole track shorter, and play around more with the drums, have some breakdowns, try to build tention etc to introduce some "drama".

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