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Subject: ESi OS

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Jan-01  @  02:39 PM   -   ESi OS


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Can anyone help me track down the latest OS for the ESi-32 in central London? I called EMU and was given another number to try - and the person who I spoke to was not really much help; she couldn't / wouldn't tell me who they'd supplied with the disks...any suggestions?



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Message 11/14             13-Feb-01  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: ESi OS


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I think the filters are pretty damn good.

I had a 4000...same filters...and you could do some nice stuff wit em

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Message 12/14             17-Feb-01  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: ESi OS



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Perhaps it is better to phone Emu in the UK and deal with them direct.
I seem to recollect someone stateside had them shipped to him for free from Emu USA.
Perhaps a sob story how you bought the unit in good faith second hand on E-bay or something and when it arrived it had the old OS?
Some manufacturers do help out in a crisis,perhaps even if it was not genuine?
Good luck anyhow.
Thomann and TBS in germany could not get hold of these "Little parts"for me and i did not feel like going to Turnkey at the time so i took a gamble that the effects card i was thinking of ordering would actually have the OS update also,as it happened it did so my Esi-32 got the chips and my already 3.2 Esi-2000 got the FX card.
Remember though if you want anything for free from the manufacturer you have to hint that more purchases of their products will be made if they can help you out.

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Message 13/14             19-Feb-01  @  04:54 AM   -   RE: ESi OS



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I actually managed to find my rom chip s/h from someone that had expanded his esi with the new OS before buying the turbo card - keep an eye out for ads for that, might get lucky.

And definitely get the new OS - the filters alone are worth it. The OS2 lowpass is ok, but not nearly as useful for sound sculpting as all the nice types of OS3. The formant ones are great for pads for instance, and the phaser ones can be used for some nice fx. The other upgrades in the OS are ok, but maybe not as exciting, mostly minor stuff.

What I can't understand is why Emu doesn't put all the filter types of say the XL1 in their E4 samplers? 50 filter types vs 21 - something is missing?

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Message 14/14             22-Feb-01  @  10:40 AM   -   RE: ESi OS



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I bought the OS upgrade from musiciansgear - about £80 I think. This isn't my currency...

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