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Subject: rm1x and novation nova

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/2             27-Nov-00  @  07:50 PM   -   rm1x and novation nova



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i can't seem to get any more than one midi channel to transmit and record from my nova to the rm1x. . .is this a sysex problem? the nova is capable of 12 voice poly. . . .also, how to record sysex from the nova to the rm1x? the rm1x manual is quite vague in this area.
-thanks for your ideas!- liquidkid

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Message 2/2             01-Dec-00  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: rm1x and novation nova



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File?:  No file

Sysex data is recorded the same way as
sequence data. Hit record, and send the
sysex. You can also program sysex
"notes" so to speak in the RM1X.

Hope this helps,


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