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Original Message 1/4             13-Nov-00  @  08:51 AM   -   A3K SCSI USB ZIP


Posts: 3

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OK I wanting to back up / load kits etc using a zip drive for my A3K. I also want to use the zip drive for gerneral PC backing up, therefore is this possible? Also I want the A3K to communicate to the PC to edit, etc using Soundforge.

I found out that there is a device that connects SCSI devices to USB ports; does this work ok with the A3K if I connect my zip and A3K to the PC via a USB port. Can I do what I'm after? I'm not to good on the tech side of things, SCSI, USV, etc so any help is great.


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Message 2/4             13-Nov-00  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: A3K SCSI USB ZIP



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you cant transfer them cia zip drive from PC to A3k. they format the disk differently..

i dont know about USB - SCSI cables but i ve heard once that theyre not working.

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Message 3/4             14-Nov-00  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: A3K SCSI USB ZIP


Posts: 424

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you can save from the a3k to a scsi drive, but you'll have to transfer files from the a3k to pc via the scsi rather than by reading the drive.

make sure you have the fix that stops the pc writing it's id on the disk.. you lose all your samples basically. it's all in the FAQ.

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Message 4/4             15-Nov-00  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: A3K SCSI USB ZIP



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SCSI is a lot faster than USB, so go
with SCSI if you can. Going through a
USB, may slow down the connectio

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