aaa RM1X, Dumb it down for me... Please! - Samplers & sampling forums
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Subject: RM1X, Dumb it down for me... Please!

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/4             11-Oct-00  @  03:30 PM   -   RM1X, Dumb it down for me... Please!



Link?:  No link

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I just got the RM1X, and I already have a Roland VS-1680 so I really wanted
the sounds more than anything. I will do some sequencing, but my question
is this:
How can I set up the keys to work as a drum machine, just to access the sounds, I am at a loss, any thoughts???

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Message 2/4             11-Oct-00  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: RM1X, Dumb it down for me... Please!


Posts: 219

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

grid record?

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Message 3/4             12-Oct-00  @  12:40 AM   -   RE: RM1X, Dumb it down for me... Please!



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Grid record? Gotcha, I haven't tried that yet.

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Message 4/4             25-Oct-00  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: RM1X, Dumb it down for me... Please!


Posts: 90

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Select Grid Record,
select record then select play,
then press the 16ths on the keyboard.

then press shift+note on the keyboard
to change between notes,
you may have go down a few octaves
to get the bass drum,
so press shift+octave-down.

C= Bass Drum
E= Snare Drum



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