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Subject: London's burning.. la la la

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Original Message 1/13             08-Aug-11  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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well we got an anthem  ;)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/13             08-Aug-11  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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i'm already packing to move to London now the anthem's official. 

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Message 3/13             09-Aug-11  @  02:57 AM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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i just now saw on the news a story about the rioting going on in London right now. jeeeeez. 

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Message 4/13             09-Aug-11  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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pretty surreal, I could see the press helicopters hovering over Hackney from my office window in the city, whilst watching the live coverage from the helicopter on Sky News.

Personally I wouldnt send any police out at all, let the fuckers destroy their own neighbourhood, most of the places they are rioting are shit holes anyway. In fact a police presence is exactly what the rioters want, they just want a confrontation. Take the police off the streets and they'll get bored and go home.

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Message 5/13             09-Aug-11  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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btw did u see this one?




I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/13             09-Aug-11  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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hahaha. that seagull is hllarious. i think i saw this on CNN a while back. i've seen clips of a couple of animals walking into a store, clipping something and walking out. 

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Message 7/13             11-Aug-11  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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The filth are cunts though. Yesterday a senior police officer made it quite clear on the news that rubber bullets are only used in situations where the police's lives are threatened. Which is why they have not been deployed so far.

But the public lives have been threatened, people in buildings as looters set them on fire, 4 deaths already. It is a complete and utter blatant life threatening situation for the public in the affected areas but the police havent felt the need to use rubber bullets.

That says "we dont give a fuck about the public, only ourselves, rather than be proactive, we'll be reactive, fuck protecting their businesses and their houses, let the insurance companies pick up the peices afterwards".

The politicians are so proud of this "british policing". The police are so proud of this "british policing". Thousands of people on the streets, online on FB & Twitter have been calling for the police to do more to protect them. But they stand back and let communities get trashed because its "british policing". Thats totally fucked up and its fucking wrong. Both the police and our politicians are meant to be there to serve us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I was fucking disgusted when I saw this pig on TV say that yesterday. I'm not fucking kidding, or exaggerating about what they said, he openely admitted that they dont break out the heasvy stuff until police officers are threatened. Fucking digusting.

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Message 8/13             12-Aug-11  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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quote wrote:

The filth are cunts though. Yesterday a senior police officer made it quite clear on the news that rubber bullets are only used in situations where the polices lives are threatened. Which is why they have not been deployed so far.

But the public lives have been threatened, people in buildings as looters set them on fire, 4 deaths already. It is a complete and utter blatant life threatening situation for the public in the affected areas but the police havent felt the need to use rubber bullets.

That says we dont give a fuck about the public, only ourselves, rather than be proactive, well be reactive, fuck protecting their businesses and their houses, let the insurance companies pick up the peices afterwards.

The politicians are so proud of this british policing. The police are so proud of this british policing. Thousands of people on the streets, online on FB & Twitter have been calling for the police to do more to protect them. But they stand back and let communities get trashed because its british policing. Thats totally fucked up and its fucking wrong. Both the police and our politicians are meant to be there to serve us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I was fucking disgusted when I saw this pig on TV say that yesterday. Im not fucking kidding, or exaggerating about what they said, he openely admitted that they dont break out the heasvy stuff until police officers are threatened. Fucking digusting.

so Jock, tell us what you really think. hahaha 

sorry man. couldn't resist. i agree totally. they should be protecting the public.  

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Message 9/13             12-Aug-11  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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quote wrote:

The filth are cunts though. Yesterday a senior police officer made it quite clear on the news that rubber bullets are only used in situations where the polices lives are threatened. Which is why they have not been deployed so far.

But the public lives have been threatened, people in buildings as looters set them on fire, 4 deaths already. It is a complete and utter blatant life threatening situation for the public in the affected areas but the police havent felt the need to use rubber bullets.

That says we dont give a fuck about the public, only ourselves, rather than be proactive, well be reactive, fuck protecting their businesses and their houses, let the insurance companies pick up the peices afterwards.

The politicians are so proud of this british policing. The police are so proud of this british policing. Thousands of people on the streets, online on FB & Twitter have been calling for the police to do more to protect them. But they stand back and let communities get trashed because its british policing. Thats totally fucked up and its fucking wrong. Both the police and our politicians are meant to be there to serve us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I was fucking disgusted when I saw this pig on TV say that yesterday. Im not fucking kidding, or exaggerating about what they said, he openely admitted that they dont break out the heasvy stuff until police officers are threatened. Fucking digusting.

harsh crowd! lol

it's a tuff call. One half of me like everyone, hates filthy chavs, but the other half realises this is the end result of the govt & useless police, and i'm annoyed frankly that this has been hijacked by the "string em up posse" so the filth are not under the microscope enuff as they should be

THEY allowed the core gang c*nts to flourish and have the good kids living in fear for over a decade (and making many clubs no-go areas), and it has spread the overall vibe of decay and crime and aggro throughout those neighbourhoods.

the police are a complete flop, but more importantly they HAVE BEEN  a complete flop for fucking years.. They let the gun wielding local chavs alone to rise up and grow but spend all their time stop&searching kids who arent a problem for a stupid bag of weed.

we've had years of news stories of local people (vulernable ones usualy, disabled, mentally ill, pensioners etc) victimised in their homes while the flith did fuck all, many of them were hounded to death or suicide, plus then add in variuous locals killed standing their ground or going to stop some chavs trashing their car or whatever

where were the police? in their command bunker watching fucking stupid tv screens or out setting up fucking road blocks to catch car-tax evaders (ooh big crime!)

i'm old enuff not to give a toss about the filth now, hated them as a lad, now realise they are a necessary evil, but they gotta get real and professional. They totaly lost the public via the endless ballsed-up "protest" policing and endless lying about killing people; they HAVE to get professional and be polite and get the public onside. What they've done is alienate the public so the crims took over communities.

i reckon making "personal" legal for weed would be a good start too. All that time wasted on taking stupid little bags of weed from kids, it's pointless. IN Spain, Germany and amny other places 'personal' is legal, i dont see their kids running riot, we have to move on from this antiquated "Reefer Madness" mindset

The plods should get to basics & be protecting communities and the vulnerable, they dont, period! they allowed this shit to flourish

oh and social workers... dont even get me started with those c*nts, they also have alot of the responsibility for this development of broken communities.

national service i reckon. It wont kill anyone thats for sure. People might think thats harsh, but fuck it. I'm no "tow the line" citizen, taken enuff drugs etc and been a bit naughty over the years here and there, but i reckon we've got to the point that if you aint in work or in education then into national Service you go. I mean that as a favour tbh to these lads cos their lives are going down the shitter if we leave them to just sit around doing nothing from 16 onwards, how's that helping them?

as for the chav girls... dunno.. fuck know how you stop them breeding. But i'd take a wild stab in the dark and education?

if we dont have National service then we seriously have to get apprenticeships going and change our society back to that model (which the germans have retained btw and now have the strongest economy in europe)

Like that african CofE guy said on QT last night, education has failed so many cos it doesnt work for everyone to do endless tests and stats which is all education now is after labours take-over of education methodology from teachers. Apprenticeships is the way forward for sure.

I mean i dont get why the govt would rather pay kids to sit around doing feck-all year in year out, yet not offer any subsidised apprenticeship scheme to employers for apprentices combined with p/t college attendence.. the govt still pay either way.

also BAN ownership of dogs for anyone under 25. fucking dogs. how can they train or work or do education if they have a stupid dog in tow.

also Police stations (small local ones) on every main estate would also be good. Have a presence on-site - and i'm coming from a sort of panthers-style vigilante-ism here a bit - but the estates shoudl be free for kids to play etc without drug gangs taking opver the swings and slides, lol - they had the same prtoblem i beleive in the USA right sitar? back in the 80's and the black community had to get together and take to the streets, armed and take back their communities - as i understand it, the police there threatened the locals and warned of dire consequences and warned them they were not allowed to be vigilantes etc, but the local people aaid "fuck you! YOU arent policing our communities so we'll fucking do it! The men took to the streets with bats, and patrolled the streets... eventually as i understand it the police caved in & joined them, offering police-radios and working in a co-ordinated way with the community, and soon the kids playgrounds were free again, and mums could take their kids out to play and the communities took back the area

correct? well we need that imo. nuff decent hard working kids are continually victimised by bullies in their ends if they try and study and get ahead.

i say play hard... you dont have to be some squeeky clean tory goody-two-shoes type. Yes, be a bit naughty, have a blast sure, but work hard too. These poor kids have no clue what it's like to get to friday and have 300 or so quid bunged in their mitts at 17 or 18; it's a great feeling getting paid and having some money in your pocket at that age.

the kids have no normality that's the problem. You cannot put them all in stupid uniforms and have them serve burgers for 20p an hour - would you do it? fuck that.

or go with the alternative scenario - uprising of the people, shoot the MP's, lock up the top plods & bankers for corruption and take over the country... I'm easy, lol.

anyways what happened was bad for those frightened or hurt, but lets not forget. the hatred of the feds is massive and they kicked it off by murdering yet another person,then lied about it yet again and covered it up (now exposed) yet again, and also (many dont realise) they also beat the shit out of that 16 year old girl with truncheons which really sparked it off more.

again SHIT policing like with the students, the plods turned it into a full scale debacle yet again. They need to get under the publics control, they are too unaccountable. we need locally elected plod chiefs imo, and if they fuck up, out they go! if they aint protecting kids and pensioners etc in the community, out they go! fuck em in the ear i say, they do f-all and then take massive pensions and retire to become security consultants

finaly the govt has to decide   which is better - spend endless millions on community education, sports, recreation etc or spend it on clamping down and prosecutions etc. I know which i'd chose! but none of it'll work unless they get in there and remove the real hardcore crims around which all the local badness & stabbings and shotting etc revolves

and then the final jigsaw piece; housing. it's fucked up the wazzoo in the UK. It has to be sorted out cos people aint got anywhere they can afford to live.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/13             12-Aug-11  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: London's burning.. la la la


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i read a lot but not all of that k. i definitely agree about education. 

re the police looking out for people who haven't paid their auto taxes: i witnessed on one block of east 6th street in Manhattan one evening a bunch of cars being towed away by the department of transportation. i'd say there were 40 cars parked on both sides of the block and about a third of them were either being towed as i stood there for a moment or were marked for towing as tow trucks waited at the beginning of the block. i asked what was going on. they were towing cars with outstanding tickets. i had to laugh at the seemingly apparent situation that you could go to any block in Manhattan and find a third of the car owners on it were ducking out of paying tickets. 

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