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Subject: The Arrogance of Originality???

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Original Message 1/71             30-Sep-04  @  11:02 PM   -   The Arrogance of Originality???


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"I think that this is an unavoidable situation given the reliance on digital audio tools for creating electronic music but it is no different than musicians being able to hear a Yamaha DX-7, Korg M-1 or an Arp 2600 on a recording except now they can hear plug-ins. Being aware of the tools used in a work of art is nothing new. I used to hang out with fine arts and film students who could trainspot a particular type of brush, medium or camera lens used in a work. The pressure to create sounds that have never been heard before and/or whose origins are undetectable reeks of a modernist notion of "originality". Originality is no longer a relevant aesthetic problem...we abandoned that idea a long time ago. I like the fact that tools have become part of the can create very complex surfaces upon which to work."

Kim Cascone
-- founder of Silent Records and all around brilliant electronic music dude.

Whadya think?

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Message 2/71             01-Oct-04  @  12:11 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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a bit of both mebbe is good?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/71             01-Oct-04  @  07:07 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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I've said it before, but I am of the belief that anything that one can create is borrowed, if you will, from the universe. No one can create in a bubble... it's how the world affects us and makes us that will determine what we create. So in that sense, we need to get off our high horse when we proudly proclaim "I made this, I own this."

GOD made this, in whatever incarnation you do or don't believe in... we come from it and it comes from us. Right, xoxos?

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Message 4/71             01-Oct-04  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???

SignalRunners - Andrew

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omg dave you've changed.




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Message 5/71             01-Oct-04  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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huh? cause i said the g word? surely you know the difference between god as a concept and the christian god...?

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Message 6/71             01-Oct-04  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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i decided to "be an electronic musician" at the moment that i observed that music influences people, and that the messages in music are really bad. la la la, happy happy, bad g/f, good g/f.. while we suck your ass.

novelty in music is about authority, keeping the proles in line, confident that they "represent" the cultural forerunning. little jenny knows brittany's synths own all.. certainly over some ud and rababa outfit. that's all it is.. i don't see "new sound" as an ego trip.. (well.. group ego.. deemphasising in order to emphasise) maybe for some, but i think for many people it's in some way connected with the desire to decentralise power, or at least own some for the 'less noble' :p

the medium is pretty much always the message, tho...

shit, i haven't listened to any music here in like 6 months. :P

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Message 7/71             01-Oct-04  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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hmmm, yeah xoxos I'm pretty much in agreement with you but I got there after deciding to make music. I had no lofty principals when i started, just access to gear and time on my hands...

But I did at some point start to recognize the power of music, and how ego-tripped it usualy is... I got to thinking, in relation to popular music, how little the "fan" must think of themselves to desire to spend time and energy on something that ammounted to self absorbed fluff (ala boy bands, brittney, etc) or emotional regurgitation (Nine Inch Nails was sort of a pivotal point in this for me at the time)... Dance music was anonymous, powerful and there for the listener, for the party, not the performer, who always looks like an asshat when he tries to be a rock star form behind a synth panel lit by laptop glow...

But isn't there a profound pretension in sitting back there being Oz, and displaying a false modesty and aloofness as well? since, even a DJ can push emotional buttons and force a contrived experience onto an unwiiting deck of sweat soaked kids. I mean, by it's nature performance requires a passive audience...

except in cases of freeform or participatory sound design... like a gig I did for a bit where we had all of these decorated and oversized controllers rigged to various preset samples and left it up to the audience... like an electronic drum circle... but then there were moments of brilliance from that where I and my cohort patted each other's backs about how cool we were for having such a decentralized idea... and, the participants thanked us and waggled at us about how smart and inventive and decent we were... and it just felt like more of the same.

I mean, ok... the mental blow job is fine enough when "they" appreciate your effort. But does it do anything beyond a kind of senseless congratulation and a passive good time for the kids?

And really, is there anything wrong with that if it doesn't?


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Message 8/71             01-Oct-04  @  11:07 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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no idea wtf that first post means. the guy is probably talking out of his arse :P

dave, you're a hippy slag. go borrow some new jokes from the universal bubble.

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Message 9/71             02-Oct-04  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???



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i like a nice tune now and then.
something a little out of the ordinary is good...but not too weird please.

after all...that's been done......just like everything else.

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Message 10/71             02-Oct-04  @  02:38 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


Posts: 4573

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"go borrow some new jokes from the universal bubble."

lol.... :p

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