aaa ha ha ha - surely u saw this? - The lounge forums
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Subject: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?

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Original Message 1/11             20-Jul-06  @  07:38 PM   -   ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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be afraid!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/11             23-Jul-06  @  02:59 AM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

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Chilling vid. These Americans can be a bit dodgy can't they? Beware down there!

I remember bumping into someone in The House of Blues in New Orleans who I used to sit next to in an office in Amsterdam, Holland. We shouted the usual noises and shook hands and asked the obvious questions. When my attention broadened again it was a bit like being in a Western, when the saloon goes silent. Everyone seemed to be staring. He's got black skin, I haven't. The group I was with reduced by 50% and his lot were visibly hostile to him. He shrugged and said 'It's not like Holland!' and went back to work. Same holiday there were KKK leaflets dropped on the front garden! Someone said it's not like that so much in the North of America. I met several mighty insular people however. The Sheriff was straight off the tv, almost too fat to get out of his car - he came to the marina for free pizza!

On the positive side, a couple of locals who had driven me to the club (and were fine, liberated folk) were curious about the infamous Dutch produce and how it compared to a similar Mexican variety. Halfway through I realised they don't put tobacco with it! Very colourful place Louisiana - even at night!

So they're either stupid or very, very stoned.

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Message 3/11             23-Jul-06  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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50/50 prolly... i spose it's the eternal intellectual question really, why does an american model 'westernised' hyper-consumer culture result in such a low intelligence & moral standards for the populace living under it?, despite the fact that they should relatively to the rest of the global population have a higher standard of living and much more opportunity for education.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/11             23-Jul-06  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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bread and circuses

give em problems so they got plenty to worry about without worrying abou the next man

not enough is a wonderful problem to give

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Message 5/11             24-Jul-06  @  01:56 AM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

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K: It's a quandry. Perhaps the fact that education is dictated, sorry, directed by commerce doesn't help. The values that lead to aquisition of the time-saving or pleasure enhancing gadgetry don't really equip folk with notions of developing non-material aspects (or if they try it's usually some idea of trade, such as do good to recieve goodness or other such claptrap). No profit no bother.

C: deep again, though surely the gift of aspiration is wonderful, not the necessity to aspire. That's the tepid baths and baked beans on mouldy toast malarky - that's not wonderful.
Or did I miss the point, were you thinking in a post 'oh sod it' way, not enough being the reason not to solve a problem?

Or again, perhaps the 'next man' is worried about (newer, shinier car/kettle/etc than mr and mrs Nextman), it's those beyond the Nextman familly that don't seem to be cared about. Those on the vid were concerned about fellow Americans, but not about Johnny Foriegners.

I've been at a mini festival all day. I'm probably talking twaddle.

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Message 6/11             24-Jul-06  @  05:56 AM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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I'm probably talking twaddle.

well, you were trying to parse a cheddar post.

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Message 7/11             04-Aug-06  @  12:17 AM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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wow... haven't seen this before.

I'm surrounded so i know the truth of it (being American) but this was STILL a
surprise, I suppoe those Australians are screwed.

And, it's the luxury that allows the ignorance. Greater opportunity for education
etc leads a culture of excess to take education for granted.

Plus, in the end, most white Americans are descended from people who were
running away from educated people in Europe... so, there's a culture in America
that shits on people who know a thing or two.



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Message 8/11             05-Aug-06  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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most white Americans are descended from people who were
running away from educated people in Europe.

I think you'll find they were running away from religious persecution....not intellectual thought.


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Message 9/11             07-Aug-06  @  04:56 PM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


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what I will find is that they were running away from the fact that their neighbors weren't puritans.

True, most folks in Europe were unnaccepting of "alternative" religions... but the vast majority of
protestants who fled the old world did so because their lifestyles and beliefs were too conservative
and outside of the main stream.

Its nice that the "founding fathers" wrapped their desire for unbridled spiritual fervor in "freedom of
religion" but it was hardly the same motivation that brought the crazy, uptight religiously intolerant
loons to the US in droves during the first two migrations... in the case of the early colonies people
did not come to the US to escape religious intolerance. They came because after the
rennaissance their homeland cultures didn't support their rigid thinking any longer.

Kinda like these shitforbrains evangelicals who are now moving to planned christian communities
in order to tip voting districts toward their ethos and create puritan communities in the south.

I know I know... such thinking and quite in line with the propoganda... but reality rarely is...



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Message 10/11             07-Aug-06  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: ha ha ha - surely u saw this?


Posts: 12353

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it's (Arthur) Miller time!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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