aaa Marc Darkstate..callin you out! - The lounge forums
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Subject: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!

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Original Message 1/20             10-Sep-05  @  12:39 PM     Edit: 10-Sep-05  |  12:41 PM   -   Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 3872

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  Hey m8. Recieved your email. I just rebuilt my computer and have to figure out what's wrong with my email account. It's sort of on again off again. Not sure if you got my reply attempts. My email tells me no but they're in sent items. sheesh. October's fine. I'm away for a few days but hopefully by next weekend I'll get my email sorted out.

Hi Dancetech! Long time. I've been pretty much living in World of Warcraft lol. Off to spend a few days by the ocean. Nothing like a little pun in the sun. :P

Hope you all are well.

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Message 2/20             10-Sep-05  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 12353

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is that your best?!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/20             10-Sep-05  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 5701

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Sitar!!! your profiule should read "Background in European Classical, Jazz, and 20 years of study/performance of Classical North Indian Music ... in the end RPG's and POV shooters won me over. in the learing curve. stay tuned".

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Message 4/20             11-Sep-05  @  09:51 AM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 1584

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Nice one mate! No emails received from you but I guess that'll get sorted...

I'm in the good ole US of A from Weds 19th to Sun 23rd... Just gonna be hanging out, drinking and eating and shopping and stuff...

p.s. Milan, you're hardly the bastion of prolific tunage yourself VIDEO EDITING TRAITOR BOY!!!!

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Message 5/20             17-Sep-05  @  12:44 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 3872

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I'm way out of practice K. I'll try harder next time.

I'll see if I can get my email sorted out this weekend Marc. Have to re-install a gizillion progams though.

Milan, the music in World of Warcraft is excellent. Hope that helps.

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Message 6/20             29-Sep-05  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 3872

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*bump. puter is down. hopefully it'll be back up tonight and all setup this weekend or else it's a new puter for me. from what I remember it's october that you'll be in nyc yes? if it was september i hope you had a great time.

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Message 7/20             02-Oct-05  @  11:26 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


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October it is my friend... You ain't getting away that easy.. ;)

Can you email me your mobile/cell number or something? I might still have it
but just in case

Gonna bring a cut of the new album for your feed back.. kinda chuffed with it but you never know!

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Message 8/20             04-Oct-05  @  09:55 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 3872

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was good to hear your voice m8. email is still buggered lol. new p4 3.4 ht cpu going in tonight and then I'll be putting the time into getting all the email settings right and the rest of my proggies reinstalled pretty much the only thing on it now is world of warcraft

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Message 9/20             05-Oct-05  @  10:59 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 1584

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No probs.. only a coupla weeks ta go...

(Oh the shipping on that HDD enclosure is like, $9 or something..)

Should be bringing a copy of the new album for you to hear too...

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Message 10/20             07-Oct-05  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: Marc Darkstate..callin you out!


Posts: 3872

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