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Subject: free running

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Original Message 1/39             07-Jan-05  @  09:19 AM   -   free running


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did anyone see that "Jump Britain" programme last night? Saw the Jump London prog last year aswell. S'a young sport but looks wicked when done properly.

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Message 2/39             07-Jan-05  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: free running


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eh? whats that then?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/39             07-Jan-05  @  12:07 PM   -   RE: free running


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Message 4/39             07-Jan-05  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: free running


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so um.... 'playing' is now a sport? - that's funny - we used to that shit all day as kids, shait man, we used to spend all day jumping off the garage roof when we were about 7 or 8 - one of our fav's when we was about 12-13 and getting older was 'taunting the Tupps' out in the sticks, tupps are young male rams, so it's like Pamplona bullrunning in miniature i guess in a feild...

you go into the feild with a flock of Tupps in it & get them to chase you and have to leg it up a tree or wall real fast, Jackie Chan style, at the last moment, or dive over a wall or fence etc, cos they steam over you if they catch you and butt you right properly & trample you & they weight ALOT!  

heh heh - to me it looks like 'running away from the old bill' practice anyways   - better than sitting on your arse all day anyways I guess.... I can just see it in a few years time, the old bill will have to have trained divisions of Police who can give chase and stand a chance of catching someone  

that is too weird tho how like kids will 'play' only if it's turned into a trendy sport, pretty hilarious, but i guess if it gets big then it's gotta be good for kids' health at least - although I gotta say, by the time we were the age of the guys in those vid's we'd discovered pussy, and jumping off walls, haystacks, roofs etc had kinda lost it's appeal and been replaced by sex ! - lol  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/39             07-Jan-05  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: free running


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pretty fuckin stupid to call it anything, especially a sport.

dudes are incredibly agile, but...the rest is ridiculous

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Message 6/39             07-Jan-05  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: free running


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Yer, I can see what you two are saying but considering all the top sports brands are now getting involved, I think by summer 2005 - you're gonna see it everywhere.

It'll become like skating and probably have its own "street course" world championships and feathure in the X games.


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Message 7/39             07-Jan-05  @  10:40 PM   -   RE: free running


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sad. really fcking sad.

again, not to detract from the nimble and agile, but...its fucking running and jumping for chrissakes!

people just think too highly of themselves

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Message 8/39             08-Jan-05  @  12:46 AM   -   RE: free running


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They just Spiderman wannabes.

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Message 9/39             08-Jan-05  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: free running


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heh. I actually remember seeing something about this YEARS ago...thought it was lame then too 

spiderman wannabes. ha!

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Message 10/39             08-Jan-05  @  02:45 AM   -   RE: free running


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I can do things that are much more amazing using much less energy. Do I get a medal?

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