aaa how long have you been bumming around ? - The lounge forums
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Subject: how long have you been bumming around ?

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Original Message 1/18             26-Oct-04  @  03:36 PM   -   how long have you been bumming around ?

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I found my first ever post on DT, from 27th October 1997. Seven facking years ago. *cringe*. What a cunt eh ? Do I win £5 ?

RE: Virtual Analogue, JP-8000 vs Yamaha AN1X?] -

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Date: 27-oct-97 - 04:42 pm
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I once dropped an AN1X on my foot and it hurt, so in terms of foot damage I would rather own a Jp8000 as its got 1 less octave, so it must weigh less, therefore not breaking your toes when it falls off your quickloc when your pissed.

As for surface area, the an1x is better for skinning up without getting any of your shit stuck in all the control knobs.

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Message 2/18             26-Oct-04  @  03:49 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?

SignalRunners - BLU

Posts: 1011

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start as yer mean to go on eh

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Message 3/18             26-Oct-04  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?


Posts: 6231

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i read that post.. i'm ~may 98 i think :p



..nothing more to report atm.

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Message 4/18             26-Oct-04  @  05:30 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?


Posts: 1345

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class of '99 here.
level 1.3 newbie

i'm the only one who hasn't graduated yet. i keep flunking mix 101

i'll go stand in the corner now...

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Message 5/18             26-Oct-04  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?


Posts: 12353

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ah but remember - we transffered everything to database back then so actualy that date is the date it was transferred to database, not the date of posting which was a bit further back actualy.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/18             26-Oct-04  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?


Posts: 7627

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no idea. too long. fckin hilarious how consistent jock has been! 

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Message 7/18             26-Oct-04  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?



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still weighing damage done in the name of a good mind-numbing!!!!
that's great!

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Message 8/18             26-Oct-04  @  10:10 PM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?


Posts: 392

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Nice first post

Everyone knows that the Juno is the best kb synth for skinning up on, you can actually get two people skinning up at once. One on the right over the Juno sign and one other (slightly more neat) person building one up just under the Roland sign on the left.

It's not got too much tilt so if you're reasonably neat you don't get crap in the knobs and keys.

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Message 9/18             27-Oct-04  @  06:19 AM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?

Absorb Fish

Posts: 358

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Date: 01-apr-02 - 04:00 am

is the first i think...

I was Posting under a different name then - Paullyboy8440.

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Message 10/18             27-Oct-04  @  06:38 AM   -   RE: how long have you been bumming around ?


Posts: 1675

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since the end of last century sometime but not so much now

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