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Subject: Powell interview cut......

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Original Message 1/37             16-May-04  @  06:41 PM     Edit: 16-May-04  |  06:44 PM   -   Powell interview cut......


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Sun May 16 2004 10:45:35 ET
**Exclusive Details**

An aide to Sec. of State Colin Powell ordered a halt to a MEET THE PRESS interview and directed a camera to shoot a palm tree during provocative questioning by host Tim Russert!

Powell was being interview by satellite from Jordan.

State Department press aide Emily Miller fumed as Tim Russert went beyond the 10 minutes allotted for the NBC Sunday session.


13 minutes in to the interview, Miller attempted to pull the plug.

As Russert grilled Powell on his presentation at the UN of Iraq's alleged WMDs -- Miller moved the single remote camera off Powell.

"You're off," Miller announced.

"I am not off," Powell warned.

"No. They can't use it, they're editing it..." Miller said on an open microphone.

"Emily, get out of the way. Bring the camera back please," the secretary snapped.


Russert aired the exchange unedited.

Powell was 45 minutes late to the taping, a top source explained.

NBC's MEET THE PRESS joined in progress....

TIM RUSSERT: Finally, Mr. Secretary, in February of 2003, you placed your enormous personal credibility before the United Nations and laid out a case against Saddam Hussein, citing.

(Camera moved off of interview subject)



EMILY MILLER, PRESS AIDE: No. They can't use it, they're editing it.

SECRETARY POWELL: He's still asking the questions.


SECRETARY POWELL: Tim, I am sorry I lost you.

MR. RUSSERT: I am right here Mr. Secretary. I would hope they would put you back on camera. I don't know who did that.

EMILY MILLER, PRESS AIDE: He was going to go for another five minutes.

SECRETARY POWELL: We've really scre...

MR. RUSSERT: I think that was one of your staff Mr. Secretary. I don't think that's appropriate.

SECRETARY POWELL: Emily, get out of the way. Bring the camera back please. (Camera returns to the interview subject) I think we're back on Tim, go ahead with your last question.

MR. RUSSERT: Thank you very much, sir.

In February of 2003, you put your enormous personal reputation on the line before the United Nations and said that you had solid sources for the case against Saddam Hussein. It now appears that an agent called "Curve Ball" had misled the CIA by suggesting that Saddam had trucks and trains that were delivering biological chemical weapons.

How concerned are you that some of the information you shared with the world is now inaccurate and discredited?

SECRETARY POWELL: I'm very concerned. When I made that presentation in February 2003, it was based on the best information that the Central Intelligence Agency made available to me. We studied it carefully. We looked at the sourcing and the case of the mobile trucks and trains. There was multiple sourcing for that. Unfortunately, that multiple sourcing over time has turned out to be not accurate, and so I'm deeply disappointed.

But I'm also comfortable that at the time that I made the presentation it reflected the collective judgment, the sound judgment, of the intelligence community, but it turned out that the sourcing was inaccurate and wrong and, in some cases, deliberately misleading. And for that I'm disappointed, and I regret it.

MR. RUSSERT: Mr. Secretary, we thank you very much for joining us again and sharing your views with us today. SECRETARY POWELL: Thanks, Tim.





WOW.... aint't that some right IN YOUR face disregard for journalism?

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Message 2/37             16-May-04  @  06:58 PM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......


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Never one to miss a photo-op...

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Message 3/37             16-May-04  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......



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yay!!!... Katie for President!  

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Message 4/37             16-May-04  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......


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Yup, at least she'd probably have a better chance of using sexual techniques to gain vital intelligence from the prisoners..

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Message 5/37             16-May-04  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......


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that's some funny shit....

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Message 6/37             17-May-04  @  12:54 AM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......



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russert doesn't appear to mind the idea.

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Message 7/37             17-May-04  @  01:41 AM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......


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bitch looks about as dumb as a doornail.

big ol knockers tho! woohoo!

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Message 8/37             17-May-04  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......



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talk about cut~

at what point this administration will try to "cut" the tape.....alter the tape....or perhaps even create a tape? and just when it needed it most?!!!!!
(taken from a site i've been visiting lately).

It's funny... there is so much emotional fanaticism and ignorance on this board. The above questions posted (time discrepancy, jumpsuit, time format, screaming) prove that there is something strange occurred:

(1) Why was there a break in the video as they pushed him over to his side before cutting his throat?
(2) Why did Berg not buck violently (at least his legs) while being cut... was he already dead? Only one person was holding him down... that wouldn't be enough since Berg was no small man. In the cutting scene, it was close-up not showing the rest of the body. Was someone hiding something... was he already dead?
(2) Why did his blood pour onto the floor instead of streaming out (as it normally would)... was he already dead?
(3) How did Berg (an American Jew) get clearance into Iraq which was an exceedingly dangerous place?
(3)Why did the military say he wasn't in U.S. custody? Is someone hiding something?
(4) Why isn't anyone questioning whether Berg was killed in April? What would the his executioners have done with him for a whole month (and someone not notice)?
(5) Why has this incident cooled down in the news so quickly?

99% of the people on this board are ignorant reactionaries. I'm glad someone was thinking (e.g., AH and GH)
Posted by: A_Doctor247 at May 16, 2004 10:24 PM

Reasons why things don't add up. There are a whole lot of people fooled (see posted comments above). Below is an interesting link. The truth will come out!


1] Berg had connections to al Qaeda terrorists strong enough to be questioned by the FBI. His email was used by accused terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui.
2] The United States and the Iraqi police detained Berg for 13 days, not releasing him until his father filed suit. He was detained as a suspected Israeli spy. The US now denies it had anything to do with the detention despite correspondence to the contrary. The Iraqi police also deny any involvement in his detention. They are playing hot potato with it.
3] When Berg was detained he, a Jew, had a copy of the Koran and an anti-semetic book entitled 'The Jewish Problem'. That is just strange.
3] Berg doesn't struggle or even flinch when his head is sawed off with a western style military knife.
4] An Islamic extremist would know the proper way to behead someone. It is the chosen form of execution in Saudi Arabia and probably other Arab nations as well. It is accomplished with one clean sword stroke to the neck. The person hacking off the head obviously had a great deal of difficulty doing so, owing to the poor choice of blade and technique.
5 ] No blood spurts from his neck as he is supposed to be dieing. The amount of blood on the floor is much smaller than it should have been. He should have died from bleeding out and this would have resulted in a couple of liters of blood spurting from his neck.
6 ] No blood gets on the hand of 'Zarqawi' even though it was in front of Berg's neck when he should have been bleeding out.
7] Zarqawi is thought to be dead and is known to have an artificial leg. Clearly the man hacking off the head didn't.
8 ] Zarqawi is known to have a tattoo on the back of his left hand of three green dots. The man hacking off the head didn't have a tattoo on his hand.
9 ] All the men had nice WHITE hands. Except in the last 20-30 seconds when the face appears to have been digitally lightened, the hands are as white or whiter than Berg's skin. Arab terrorists don't have white hands.
10 ] All of the men had identical, nice, clean clothing. It looked new. This is unlikely for rogue combatants in a war zone. It is likely if someone needed some 'terrorist' clothing for a video.
11] If Zarqawi was in the video, why didn't he show his face? It is known to the US already. It would have established the video's authenticity. It would have inspired fear. So why's it covered?
12] The real Zarqawi speaks with a Jordanian accent. According to a CNN mid-eastern expert who is a fluent professional translator, this 'Zarwaqi' did not speak with a Jordanian accent. She dismissed the possibility of it being him out of hand.
13] The whole time line is completely ed up. There are many inconsistencies in the time line. I could cite at least a dozen. The most obvious is that he was 'found Monday over the weekend'
14] The 'militants' stood with a Western posture. When they moved in, their movements were rehearsed. Each knew where he was going when the action happened as if it were pre-planned.
15] Two of the 'Arab militants' brought their left hands to their faces during the video. The left hand is unclean in Arabic nations. It is used to wipe one's ass. The left hand is taboo. An Arab wouldn't eat with it or offer it to someone, they are unlikely to touch their eyes with it, it is unclean.
16] 'Zarqawi' is wearing a large gold ring. Islam reportedly forbids men to wear gold jewelry.
17] The rifles are reportedly Galil variants. These would be Israeli rifles. Arab militants wouldn't use Israeli weapons. The guns are all either Galils or Mac's.
18] Between Berg being knocked to the floor and then hacked up, the video cuts for no reason. Remember this isn't a two camera shoot, there is no reason for the video to cut. Something was cut out, or it would be continuous.
19] The website to which the video was supposedly released was down within 90 minutes. All major news organizations supposedly learned of this video and obtained copies within that time.
20 ] Berg is wearing an orange uniform identical to those at used by the US for detainies.
21] The walls and room are reportedly identical to the prison.
22] Berg is shown in a chair identical to those in the prison. If he was in an abandoned warehouse why wasn't he on looted office furniture instead. These chairs are not extremely rare, but the odds of both chairs being identical is slim.
23] The video never mentions the word 'Al Qaeda', it uses the word al qaed. These are two different words, one is a name and means 'The Base'. The other is not a name and translates as 'one who sits by and does nothing'. This translation is from the CNN arab language expert. She reports that any fluent speaker of Arabic would notice this difference.
24] Nick Berg's dad and Berg's tower company appear on a Free Republic 'enemies' list. The list isn't too long. I'm not on it under any alias I've used.
25] Nick Berg's tower company is not registered in his home state of Pennsylvania. While not a legal requirement, state officials report it would be nearly impossible to do business without registering.
26] The time code on the tape is in military time. Arabs use the standard arabic clock.
27] This video came out just when it would help the Bush regime the most. Fucktards everywhere are now using it to justify widespread US war crimes. Hardly the sort of reaction Islamic militants would desire, but obviously quite predictable.
28] One of the towers Berg worked on, the biggest and most damaged one, was near the prison.
29] No one can account for Berg's whereabouts from between April 10th (when his father believe he was killed) to May 11th the most firmly referenced of three days his body may have been found. He looks very clean and well fed to have been held prisoner by savages for over a month.
30 ] The US has not stated how his body was identified. It didn't have a head. It should have taken some time to ID.
31 ] Except for the individual reading the prepared statement, the only words said by the other 'terrorists' were "Allah Akbar" over and over. The speech was somewhat slurred. The accent differs significantly from the reader. I don't believe that they all spoke Arabic.
32 ] The speaker fumbles the transcript several times and goes back to the same page several times. It appeared he was having trouble reading his own statement.
33] During the hacking up part the video camera zooms in indistinctly just where you would expect the filmer to be trying for the most horrid details.
34] The body makes no death throws. None. Nada. Most animals, when they die, convulse.
35] Almost nothing dripped from the recently severed head. If he had just died the head should have still had a lot of blood in it. A head holds around a liter of blood in soft sponge-like tissues, unless the blood was coagulated it should have dripped for some time.
36] Berg continues to 'scream' after his windpipe has been cut through.
37] The time code actually jumps 11 hours during once splice in the video. Oops!
38] Near the end of the video, after the chanting stops, a distinctly Western voice can be heard to say what sounds like "Thy Will be Done" it then repeats itself. Hear it at Breakfornews.coms
39] Berg's body, though he was a civilian, was flown by the military to Dover Air Force Base. His parents had requested to be there when it arrived but that permission was denied. According to Department of State Publication 10391, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Revised September 1996, "The U.S. Government cannont pay to have your body buried overseas or returned to the United States." This is a publication intended for Americans living / working abroad.
40] The voice reading the statement at the beginning not only does not match the lips, but when the pages are turned and obviously lost in confussion, there is no pause. If you try to resynch the audio with the video you can not. The voice is dubbed in and poorly lip-synched.
41] The guy hacking off the head has a black hood, there is a very subtle cut at the end (after Thy Will Be Done) and the guy holding the head up is suddenly wearing a white mask. The time code jumps over a minute.
Posted by: A_Doctor247 at May 16, 2004 11:40 PM
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Message 9/37             17-May-04  @  06:15 AM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......


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Message 10/37             17-May-04  @  09:12 AM   -   RE: Powell interview cut......


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Sure, Berg was killed by the CIA...uhuh...and the jews (who all didn't show up at work on
911) flew those planes into the WTC.

I find it sickening that some people rather resort to fantasy instead of acknowledging the

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