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Subject: deniro

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Original Message 1/66             28-Apr-03  @  06:28 PM   -   FAvorite Lines



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So in these modern days of cheep thrills and overly production in everything, good flicks are few and far between. What I want to know is...

What is your favorite line from a movie, and what kind of relevance does it have for you, etc?

Ie. Mines gotta be Humnphery Bogart at the end of the Maltese Falcon, and he is asked about the statue in his hands, he says...

"This is the stuff dreams are made of?"

Why? Because ONLY Bogart could of said it.

btw. keep it simple

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Message 2/66             28-Apr-03  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: deniro



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I couldn't understand that film.

Mine is Memento, not for anything that is said in the movie, but the line "don't beleive his lies" on the polaroid is classic!

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Message 3/66             28-Apr-03  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: deniro



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There are so many to chose from. How to limit it to just one line?

Personal favorite is from Predator. Billy is walking across a clearing and he stops. Ah-nuld stops, and says "Billy, what is it?" Billy says, ponderously,

"there's something in those trees."


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Message 4/66             28-Apr-03  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: deniro


Posts: 4573

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First one off the top my head...

"Half Baked".... Bob Saget: "Have you ever sucked dick for coke?"

who didn't fall off their couch the first time they heard that line???


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Message 5/66             28-Apr-03  @  07:49 PM   -   RE: deniro


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ooh... for me its only about half the script of blade runner. too many to name all here.

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Message 6/66             28-Apr-03  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: deniro


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(Living In Oblivion)

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Message 7/66             28-Apr-03  @  08:22 PM     Edit: 28-Apr-03  |  08:30 PM   -   RE: deniro


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"Half Baked".... Bob Saget: "Have you ever sucked dick for coke?"

who didn't fall off their couch the first time they heard that line???

When I saw that flick in the movie theater me and my buddy were the only people laughing. When that line came up I almost pissed myself.

I nominate the entirety of "The Big Lebowski", plus this gem from Clerks:

"Try not to suck any dick on your way out to the parking lot!"


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Message 8/66             28-Apr-03  @  09:06 PM   -   RE: deniro


Posts: 7627

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shit. I thought we were talking about mexican money.

Leary in "Roadside Prophets":

"Speed Kills"

and the weird farmer guy in "Fritz the Cat":


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Message 9/66             28-Apr-03  @  10:50 PM   -   RE: deniro


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Another one for Bob Saget, I also soiled myself after hearing it.

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Message 10/66             29-Apr-03  @  03:10 AM   -   RE: deniro

man called clay


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bladerunner always! comes to mind...but mine would be john sayle's city of hope....where the city public inspector takes joe to the side after illustrating the reality that SOMEONE IS GOING DOWN HERE...and hard...and that it's gonna be joe's son. >>>>"hey's life. whatchya gon do? sometimes you just gotta bend over and take it like a man."

of course i don't watch films now...but hey...i seen some good ones. and that scene always sticks with me.

also...true colors where christopher walken is offering dennnis hopper his last request.

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