aaa German to english translation? - The lounge forums
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Subject: German to english translation?

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Original Message 1/15             10-Jun-03  @  06:24 AM   -   German to english translation?


Posts: 7627

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Just curious what this says...starts on page 12

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Message 2/15             10-Jun-03  @  06:49 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?


Posts: 7627

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jeez. I just realized how long that is and that no ones gonna want to do that. sorry 

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Message 3/15             10-Jun-03  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?



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actually...i think i can have it translated quite easily for you this week. at least the most relevant parts.

she'll be on vacation from her regular english/german transcription duties but is a most kind and helpful expect something by the weekend.

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Message 4/15             10-Jun-03  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?


Posts: 7627

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well hold on..I found an email on I checked about an english version

mucho apreciado tho, holmes!

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Message 5/15             10-Jun-03  @  08:53 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?



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have you tried babelfish dave?

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Message 6/15             10-Jun-03  @  11:21 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?



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Jason: KWS consist of a DJ crew: DJ Smile (Jason Albert), AI (Craig
Kopkau Jr.) and DJ Subconscious (Jack DeYoung) and from the producers
Influx1 (Dave Spang) and digitally Rust (Dave Ward), which by-form
also live. AI, Jack and I produce also, however so far still
nothing published. The two main factors, the KWS hold together are the
enthusiasm for BREAK (oh which; -) and Metal. Many of us played in
former times in Metal or Punkbands. I am DJ (Scratching/Samples) in a
Digi Hardcore volume on behalf of "the Shizit" (www shizit. net). We
come straight from our European route with Alec Empire, but I believe
I curve off... Everyone our DJ's presents to make BREAK now for over
six years and our producers the whole for approx. three years. The two
by the way come from Los Angeles, while the DJ crew in Seattle has its
master seat.

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Message 7/15             10-Jun-03  @  11:22 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?



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try that - 150 words per translation

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Message 8/15             10-Jun-03  @  11:23 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?



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.... so you'd have to do it in chunks bit by bit, then filter thru the translation-speak which can be gramaticaly a bit odd, but it works ok for a quick fix.

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Message 9/15             10-Jun-03  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: German to english translation?


Posts: 5701

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i dont have the time to translate it for you right now, but the guy says your record is one of his favourites from last year and has its place in his black case (sic) for special records  

oh, he also thinks itzs funny that a lot of ppl in the breaks scene were involved with metal before that, but no one except yu dares to say it out in the open. eww... you really did a bootleg rmx of deftones? heehee  

regards, m.

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Message 10/15             10-Jun-03  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: German to english translation?



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magic translators....
influx makes the news.....
what a life>

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