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Subject: Rave Act Passed in US

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Original Message 1/45             11-Apr-03  @  08:41 PM     Edit: 11-Apr-03  |  08:52 PM   -   Rave Act Passed in US


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Bush To Sign America’s Anti-Nightlife R.A.V.E. Act

America’s nightlife industry faces an uncertain future
this weekend, after Congress voted to approve the
puritanical RAVE act, meaning crack house laws will
now be applied to all concerts, clubs and music
festivals in the US.

“Property owners can be punished for any drug offence
that their customers commit - even if they work hard to
stop such offences,” warned the Drug Policy Alliance
just hours before the Bill was passed.

“This is likely to deter nightclub and stadium owners
from holding events.”

“Every musical style will be affected, including rock and
roll, Hip Hop, country and electronic music,” they

The bill was passed after Senator Joe Biden sneaked it
into an unrelated Child Abduction Prevention Act,
which allowed the RAVE act to become law without any
hearings, debates or even specific votes being taken by
Congress. Its incredibly draconian terms mean that if
just one person is caught smoking a joint at a public
gathering such as a club, party or concert, the
organisers and property owners can be jailed for 20

target="NEW">drug policy

(helping to save American club culture)

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Message 2/45             11-Apr-03  @  08:49 PM     Edit: 11-Apr-03  |  08:52 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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scray stuff.

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Message 3/45             11-Apr-03  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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I have written my letters, but I highly doubt the courts will uphold the legality of this legislation. We shall see, I suppose.


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Message 4/45             11-Apr-03  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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yeah, i'd hope that the supreme court would squash this
but how long will it take them to get it?

i cn't believe they snuck this into the "amber alert" law.
completely unrelated.


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Message 5/45             11-Apr-03  @  10:37 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US



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it will take a big promoter to get it into the courts at all unless the ACLU takes it seriously... But not to worry, the Supreme Court could send the entire Amber Alert bill back to congress any way. William Reihnquist wrote an open letter to the assembly suggesting that the bill was WAY to restricting of federal judge's discretionary powers.

Of course, the entire party/club/event scene could be burried for a while. But let's face it, underground warehouse style events have always been more fun! hehehe...

Saw Pongoid at a place in San Francisco that handled the issue quite nicely... called it a private party, asked for doantions, and refused to allow the police on the property.

working around the bullshit is a good promoters greatest skill. This shit won't hurt most of us... and hell, maybe it'll put an end to BIG BUDGET glossy fliers, and glowstick sporting rich suburban kids who have to leave at 1:00 AM!


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Message 6/45             11-Apr-03  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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"and refused to allow the police on the property."

you can do that? no shit?

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Message 7/45             11-Apr-03  @  11:26 PM     Edit: 11-Apr-03  |  11:29 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Didn't the Nazi's also use the Eagle as their national Emblem?

Not having a go here, but Bush's America is becoming very, very weird.

"which allowed the RAVE act to become law without any hearings, debates or even specific votes being taken by Congress"

I mean S-H-I-T!!! That is bloody scary! Man, we really, really, really need to do something about these damned God-fearing nut cases who are fighting some bizarre imagined religious crusade in our supposed names! I almost feel sick.


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Message 8/45             12-Apr-03  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US



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Influx, Yeah, if it's a "private" party (meaning no door fee, no retail sales...) and the entrance is fenced (meaning the door to the club is behind the main entrance to the property than you simply lock the main entrance and tell them it's a private gathering... they need a warrant to enter the property (if the gate is locked)... we've done similar things at outdoor events on gated land. And it worked quite nicely for those 5Flowershop kids at Pongoid's show!

hey, Steve... Are you an American?

Yeah, not sure of Poli-Sci in other countries, but in the US we have (and have always had) this brilliant thing calle dthe trailer bill. It's when special interests want to get a law passed, they tack it on to popular bills (that would make politicians look bad if they voted no on) and then the whole gets passed as law! It's a sham, and a bitch! And downright undemocratic.

And it's what they've done here!


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Message 9/45             12-Apr-03  @  07:28 AM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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FUCK em...... seriously. I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. NO ONE LISTENS. Not just this point but everything else too. I have never wanted, so badly, to leave this country. Trite, rich, political BULLSHIT!! ARGH!!!!! and no one will listen......... The majority of the people in this country and every other country just want to do their thing to make their lives a little bit happier. Instead, i just work to pay the bills while a 3rd of my money is being taken away each week to finance all this shit I don't believe in. The American way. BULLSHIT. FUCK! I have wasted so much energy caring..........ridiculous.


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Message 10/45             12-Apr-03  @  09:08 AM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 1502

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Thats the law u need to address.. tacking unrelated measures onto bills... thats just weird..

meanwhile here in the uk, they have virtually stopped arresting people for possession of pot.. and the police are very grateful.. it just wastes their time.. and they can concentrate on important stuff like robbery, burglary, murder etc etc

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