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Subject: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting

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Original Message 1/52             12-Feb-03  @  07:37 PM   -   Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


Posts: 118

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Just wondering........

Aside from the obvious potential threat to Heathrow we are all hearing about, what kind of disaster preparedness is everyone in the UK being told to do? In the US, we are being told to stock up on water, canned goods, radios, and to put plastic sheeting over our windows, doors and ventilation systems. Can our government be any more frightening? I've searched some of the european news organizations and couldn't find anything over there. What have you been told?

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Message 2/52             12-Feb-03  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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Not to panic and that we don't need to do any of that stuff.

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Message 3/52             12-Feb-03  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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Heard on the news last night that the government has ordered Americans to hide their heads in the sand and trust Mr. Bush to ensure their safety. That questioning the current administration only promotes terrorism, so we should duct tape the mouths of those who speak out. And lay down plastic sheeting because of the mess it makes when they F+CK us up the Ass!


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Message 4/52             12-Feb-03  @  08:17 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


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This made me laugh. I heard this morning on the news that some people were saying they were buying duct tape. Some people were saying they weren't. One guy said we might all be better off if certain people put duct tape over their mouths. I took this to mean he was talking about leaders throwing threats around. Maybe I'm wrong.

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Message 5/52             12-Feb-03  @  09:51 PM     Edit: 12-Feb-03  |  09:57 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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We (the UK) haven't been told to do anything. Although the security teams are tightening up and police/medical people are being trained in case of attack.

At the end of the day, we are no more likely to suffer a terrorist attack now than at any given time over the last 500 years. So who really cares. It's all propoganda and scare mongering tactics. Who knows, the next chemical weapon to get used on us might be quite an interesting experience!? I for one have been preparing for a chemical attack for the last 6 years by maintaining a strict weekly chemical intake program. I must have consumed 10 times the amount of chemicals owned by Saddam, the US and the UK combined during the Christmas/NY season alone (twitch, twitch). They ought to deploy me for their next attack    



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Message 6/52             12-Feb-03  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


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Just the threat of a country using you would cause an instant surrender I'm sure. :P

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Message 7/52             12-Feb-03  @  10:27 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


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If the middle east really wants to stop U.S. from meddling in their business, it SHOULD use chemical warfare. That is, somehow slip EVERYONE in the U.S., including all levels of the governemt, targeted chemical warheads such as THC, MDMA, and LSD. Then perhaps everyone in the U.S. would have a communal "moment of clarity" and pot will be legalized and peace will be the priority for once.


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Message 8/52             12-Feb-03  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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Let's hold off on the MDMA... Americans are neither pretty nor soft... an American group cuddle is not on my agenda!!! Nice if they see things through such filters but I do not need 99.9% of the US rubbing my head and suggesting their soul has loved my soul since the beginning of time....

C'mon now, admit it... you don't want it either!


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Message 9/52             12-Feb-03  @  11:07 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


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hehe. lol@ psy & errata  

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Message 10/52             12-Feb-03  @  11:23 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


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errata.... anything's an improvement... ?

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