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Subject: big, big, big respect

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Original Message 1/17             08-Jan-03  @  10:27 PM     Edit: 08-Jan-03  |  10:29 PM   -   big, big, big respect

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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In light of the program this evening which recounted the very successful assault on the embassy in the eigthies (only eleven, ELEVEN minutes), I just thought that the SAS and the SBS deserve a very BIG shout! These guys completely sign their lives away in every respect and in a fashion unlikened by ANY other military organisation (save maybe the nutty Gurkhas) to uphold the security of this (UK) country. They are a very special group of people and deserve more praise than they are given.

Good work lads!



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Message 2/17             09-Jan-03  @  12:30 AM     Edit: 09-Jan-03  |  01:05 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 1005

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What about,among other things, when they're shooting unarmed people dead in the streets of Gibralter.

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Message 3/17             09-Jan-03  @  12:55 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 2890

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well, i'm no supporter of uk intervention in ireland, but see the sas going around knocking off ira members the same way i see the ira going around killing british army soldiers in irealnd, it's war innit, people get killed. the three in gibraltar weren't there to check out the monkeys.

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Message 4/17             09-Jan-03  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 90

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I have bigger respect for that Chinese dude who stood infront of the Tanks parading in the streets all those years ago, shopping bags and all.

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Message 5/17             09-Jan-03  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 1005

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'Twenty-five Principal Methods of Torture used in Holywood and Girdwood Barracks':

1. Placing a man in 'search position', single finger of each hand to the wall, legs well apart and well back, on the toes, knees bent, for prolonged periods;
2. heavy punching to the pit of the stomach to man in 'search position';
3. kicking the legs from under a man in the 'search position' so that he falls to the ground, banging his head on the wall, radiator or ground;
4. beating with batons on the kidneys and on the privates in 'search position';
5. kicking between the legs while in the 'search position'. This is very popular among the RUC officers and they often do it for periods of half an hour or an hour;
6. putting a man in 'search position' over a very powerful electric fire or radiator;
7. stretching a man over benches with two electric fires underneath and kicking him in the stomach;
8. rabbit-punching to the back of the neck while in 'search position';
9. banging the head against the wall;
10. beating the head with a baton in crescendo fashion;
11. slapping the ears and face with open hand;
12. twisting the arms behind the back and twisting fingers;
13. prodding the stomach with straight fingers;
14. chopping blows to the ribs from behind with simultaneous blows to the stomach;
15. hand squeezing of the testicles;
16. insertion of instruments in the anal passage;
17. kicking on the knees and shins;
18. tossing the prisoners from one officer to another and punching him while in the air;
19. injections;
20. electric cattle prod;
21. electric shocks given by use of a machine;
22. burning with matches and candles;
23. deprivation of sleep;
24. urinating on prisoners;
25. psychological tortures:
(a) Russian roulette
(b) firing blanks
(c) beating men in darkness
(d) blindfolding
(e) assailants using stocking masks
(f) wearing surgical dress
(g) staring at white perforated wall in small cubicle
(h) use of amphetamine drugs
(i) prisoners are threatened; threats to their families, bribes offered, false confessions are used.[5]

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Message 6/17             09-Jan-03  @  01:18 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 1005

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I agree with that BJT.

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Message 7/17             09-Jan-03  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect



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tsk tsk, are you coming on to me?

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Message 8/17             09-Jan-03  @  02:07 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 2890

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yes pict, all atrocious and illegal, but i don't see what it's got to do with the british government killing ira members on active service, you pays yer money ...

i don't think the ira themselves thought that they'd get treated with kid gloves when they decided to go to war with britain. killing and torturing civilians is another matter, on both sides. as is whether violence is the answer to any political problem. they've nearly stopped killing each other in sri lanka, hope it catches on.

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Message 9/17             09-Jan-03  @  02:26 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 1005

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Bedwyr my point is that the SAS are not necessarily worthy of respect(unless you regard the aforementioned behaviour as worthy of respect)being as they are a tool of extreme violence for the British government who sometimes(oftentimes?)wield that violence in hard to justify ways.

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Message 10/17             09-Jan-03  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: big, big, big respect


Posts: 7627

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I wouldnt even claim to understand the insanity over there, but...

to me, Steve Roughley sometimes =s the UK equivalent of good ol boy Formant 

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