aaa they killed bond! - The lounge forums
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Subject: they killed bond!

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Original Message 1/38             17-Nov-02  @  02:09 PM   -   they killed bond!


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just heard madonna's song for the new bond movie! utter rubish!!! sad to hear a great theme like that completely ruined and cast aside in favour of someones product placement strategy... the original melody was probably too good for her and her producers anyway... bah!

james bond my ass :P

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Message 2/38             17-Nov-02  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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cop shop. be a good boy.

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Message 3/38             17-Nov-02  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: they killed bond!

Sean Connery


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Well smack my bitch up! They killed bond when they put Pierce Brosnan in the role, after all he never even gets his hair messed up, secret agent? He's more like a smarmy estate agent.

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Message 4/38             18-Nov-02  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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i KNOW i'm gonna get shit about this, but connery fuckin' sucks. I hate old bonds. mumble-mouth slurrin' dumbass. at least brosnan has style.

flame on, bond geeks.


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Message 5/38             18-Nov-02  @  07:09 AM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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have some shit.

He defined the role, check the books, Brocolli et al knew, but com on Psy, SC was always the man. well before purse lip stepped in with equal rights and remote control, SC 'felt' the evil of his opponents, knew the code and never dilly dalied when it came to hitting a woman

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Message 6/38             18-Nov-02  @  07:20 AM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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...mumblin you say

SC taught Barry White everyhting he knew, I know - I saw his enunciation answer paper (he did alright-)

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Message 7/38             18-Nov-02  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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i KNOW i'm gonna get shit about this, but connery fuckin' sucks. I hate old bonds. mumble-mouth slurrin' dumbass. at least brosnan has style.

I thought Timothy Dalton was the best one personally... I read all the books when I was a kid.. The picture in my head looked a lot like Dalton.


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Message 8/38             18-Nov-02  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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PB is really good.... he's a great modern Bond. SC was a time and a place, and it's all over now.... all that shit's too campy now...

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Message 9/38             18-Nov-02  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: they killed bond!


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no no no... roger moore was the classic bond of my childhood. he´s the real deal!

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Message 10/38             18-Nov-02  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: they killed bond!

Roger More


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I'd like to pierce Brosnan, with my walther ppk

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