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Subject: Faith

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Original Message 1/188             24-Sep-02  @  05:37 AM   -   Faith


Posts: 4573

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Persuant to another thread in another forum in another land...

I'm really curious about the kinds of things we put our faith into. There's a lot of talk about various religions and the differences between them lately, but a lot of the talk sounds like a book report. What I mean is, it sounds like well-collected information culled from various readings (most of them from reputable sources, no doubt) used to form an opinion about a subject. The problem is that we can't read everything. And even if we could, reading without bias does not occur. You have an opinion before you start that affects everything that passes through you, and you only take what you feel is important. It just seems like a snowball effect that leaves you old, bitter towards the world, and highly opinionated (often complaining about how others are stubborn in their reasoning... etc....)

I think live, interactive debate cannot be surpassed as a learning experience. To really take in someone else's view on life and the things that are important to them is one of the greatest gifts we have (it's reflected in our music, and subsequent appreciation of each other's creations). The same biases can take place as in reading, but I think the dynamic nature of a conversation eliminates unchecked bias without reason.

Ok, now to my point. I was raised Christian. My mother is very active in the church, and follows very conservative Christian values. I used to be very active in the church with youth groups, mission work, and stuff like that. After the self-exploration that is college, I strayed away (does this sound familiar to anyone?) My mother and I lately have been getting into spiritual conversations, and she is ever more vocal about her disappointment in the direction my beliefs are heading.

I want to know what it is about Christianity that makes it so prevalent in today's society? I mean, millions of people don't choose this lifestyle just because their parents did. I know that Christianity goes deep, I've just never felt it. And I don't want slagging answers from non-Christians... "it's a crutch, a lie, a shame, etc." I've heard all that and I don't learn a thing from it. I want a personal account of why someone puts their faith in Christian ideals.

And so help me if someone accuses someone else of trying to "force" their opinion on others, I'm gonna shit all over you because that stuff just kills the kind of debate that I'm looking for here. And I don't want philosophical ramblings that you've heard and can relate to and they sound cool, but they aren't you. I want only deep ideas that have really been thought out.

This kind of stuff is important to me, so please take this thread seriously. If the lounge is not the place for this kind of discussion, let me know and I'll take it elsewhere....?

Thanks for really thinking about it, guys. This could be really cool...


p.s. - Yes, Jamie, I know you're the resident Christian here, and I'm kinda hoping you'll help me start things here, if you want...

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Message 2/188             24-Sep-02  @  05:56 AM   -   RE: Faith


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my thing has always been this:

the 'world' is an incredibly complex place, impossible to explain completely. Throw in the concept of a spiritual realm, and the doors are just thrown wide

now...attempts to explain this are going to vary drastically from place to place and from time to time. ALL fall short of complete explanation, yet all have their adherents. The benefits of following a certain path, if there are any benefits, are usually clearly visible, right?

so, ultimately, it is truly a matter of choice. What you choose to believe, based on the input you've received. Right, wrong, Jesus, Allah. Cant be proven. Doesnt matter one iota though, because it WORKS for people!

The best christians I know are the ones that have a personal thing going on. SURE they'll tell you what they think, and these specific friends of mine DO try to 'convert' me, but it is because they BELIEVE that what they think and feel is correct, and they want (what they think is) the best for me and others who they care about. I've heard this numerous times, from quite a few different people, and it always touched me to see it for what it was...wanting to share a beautiful thing with innumerable benefits.

but. it. didnt. ring. for. me.

hell Im not even answering your main question...why Christianity? Well...maybe theyre right? Maybe it IS the truth, and resonates so effectively?

shit. have to say 'hell if I know' on this one. Personally, I would feel like an arrogant idiot if I were to claim that I understand the origins of humanity, the existence (or non) of 'god', etc., and I have to feel the same for those who make such claims

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Message 3/188             24-Sep-02  @  06:12 AM   -   RE: Faith


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Kinda what I was afraid of, influx.

Why does this kind of question inevitably lead to a "hands in the air, don't know so why ask" response? I'm not directing this at you, influx, but at everyone I engage in debate with. It always falls into a relativistic trap where no argument seems to hold merit. I think the human mind can transcend this sort of illusion. It IS important what we believe, whether what we believe is "true" or not, it's what makes us fucking human! THAT's what I'm trying to get at here...

I don't really want any questions answered here, I want more questions.


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Message 4/188             24-Sep-02  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: Faith


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I didnt say so dont ask, though. I just cant say I have all that much to say about it since I cant claim expertise

"It IS important what we believe, whether what we believe is "true" or not, it's what makes us fucking human! "

and...I guess you missed MY point as well because I think I said the same thing?

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Message 5/188             24-Sep-02  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: Faith


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You're right on that one... "Cant be proven. Doesnt matter one iota though, because it WORKS for people!"

Good point, so what works for you? There is no "expertise" on this subject.


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Message 6/188             24-Sep-02  @  09:06 AM   -   RE: Faith


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hmmm...well...I dont believe or disbelieve anything really. Agnostic I guess youd call me. Ive read a good deal about taoism and buddhism, and read the bible once while in jail  Ive heard convincing arguments from Christians and have considered their faith, but havent...gone all the way with it.

Taoism appeals to me the most with the middle road ideal. Dont fight, but dont bow down either.

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Message 7/188             24-Sep-02  @  09:32 AM   -   RE: Faith


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I believe our true nature can only be experienced not verbalised.

As Bruce Lee famously said in 'Enter the Dragon', 'Don't think- feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't focus on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory!'

Then he beat the shit out of someone..


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Message 8/188             24-Sep-02  @  09:40 AM   -   RE: Faith


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Again, you guys are telling me about other people's beliefs. I know about them already.

I want to know your personal insights to the meaning of reality. It's a different kinda thing from ascribing a socially-recognized epithet to a belief system you can relate to. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't worry about it. Do I have to get things going?


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Message 9/188             24-Sep-02  @  09:57 AM   -   RE: Faith


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i have every faith in there being some heated debate and nothing being resolved in this thread.  

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Message 10/188             24-Sep-02  @  10:13 AM   -   RE: Faith


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'I believe our true nature can only be experienced not verbalised. '

Note the 'I believe', so I am in fact telling you what I believe.

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