aaa Would YOU sell a track to POP? - The lounge forums
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Subject: Would YOU sell a track to POP?

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Original Message 1/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:39 PM   -   Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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So I'm doin' little today, and thought I'd stir the pot!

Screw politics, religion and other coffee house banter... Here's one to really get your feet muddy.

Would you sell a track to Britney, Christina N'Sync et al... ???

Come on kids, fess up. $50,000 for a 5 minute fluff number filled with "Philly Hits" and one note bass lines...


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Message 2/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:40 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 1502

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yes.. what's your point?

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Message 3/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 7627

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I know no one will believe me, but I just don't agree with what theyre doing, and I would be a chump to help perpetuate that crap

Of course, I am not starving, not homeless, and dont have kids to support. If that ever happened I would hope that I could find some alternative, but if it came down to actual survival, well...damn that would be a tough one. Would I die for these ideals which are ultimately just a bit lofty?

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Message 4/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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me too,

but um, er... Techno is the new punk rock, and um... uh, we're not sell outs and... and

I bet this crowd's to old for this to work!


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Message 5/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 7627

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dunno..the e-music as truly underground thing has totally faded as far as Im concerned. Sure there are pockets, but the way Ive seen everything handled...its almost all standard MO.

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Message 6/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 7627

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"me too,

but um, er... Techno is the new punk rock, and um... uh, we're not sell outs and... and

I bet this crowd's to old for this to work!


me too as in you WOULD?

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Message 7/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I would and put the money to good use..

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Message 8/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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I got this little hunch they'd never be interested
in any of the crap I turn out

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Message 9/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 7627

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well that too.

and Ive heard the "put the money to good use"...but...oh hell I should probably give up

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Message 10/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 1502

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Well, if u could write a song for britney what would you call it?

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