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Subject: scouse bashing

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Original Message 1/32             07-Oct-02  @  09:33 PM     Edit: 07-Oct-02  |  09:34 PM   -   scouse bashing


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arigh, meight?

oh yeah, it's a scouse keyboard.

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Message 2/32             07-Oct-02  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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very funny;)

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Message 3/32             07-Oct-02  @  10:34 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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a - a - a !!... calm down!

oh no!!... a fatal attack of Stan Boardman-itis!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/32             07-Oct-02  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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i'm still in stitches. hehe. "ferry"

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Message 5/32             07-Oct-02  @  11:07 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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dammit I wish I understood you fuckers sometimes!

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Message 6/32             07-Oct-02  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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I know. It's not fair. There's no AMERICAN humor. Fuck.

I even looked it up, found out what Scounce is, and still don't get it.



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Message 7/32             07-Oct-02  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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ahahahahah. serious? heh.

not like american humor is better. I just hate bein outta tha loop

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Message 8/32             07-Oct-02  @  11:14 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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That's what I'm saying. There is no American "loop" for the Brits to be left out of. It's not fair they get all our jokes!


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Message 9/32             07-Oct-02  @  11:25 PM     Edit: 07-Oct-02  |  11:27 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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er, well.. 'scousers' are people from Liverpool (like the beatles) ...

and they say: 'eh' a lot, like like americans would say: 'know what i mean' (They pronounce it 'A' - hence the repeated use of the letter A on the keyboard'

Another favourite phrase is 'calm down', usually uttered when someone is becoming argumentative.. which is another stereotypical 'scouser' characteristic....

The ferry button is a reference to the ferry which carries people across the 'mersey' (a large river which liverpool straddles)..

Liverpuddlians (as they are known, believe or not) have a rich history, they were a major port during the days of the british empire and the haunt of sailors from around the world. There is thus a large mixed race population and the stereotypical 'scouser' is often portayed as having curly hair.

The typical male 'scouser' is purported to often be seen wearing 'shell suits'... (sports wear made of nylon or other man-made materials) and trainers.

They are well know for their sense of humour and 'down-to-earth' attitude.

Hope this helps our US cousins..


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Message 10/32             07-Oct-02  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: scouse bashing


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hehe, scousers are from liverpool, and the joke is all they say is a! a! a! (eh? eh? eh? in a scouse accent), calm down! & ferry! (ferry 'cross the mersey, gerry and the pacemakers) it's also a comedy sketch (harry enfield and a couple of others dress up in permed wigs, moustaches and shell suits, drinking fighting and going a! a! a! calm down!)

it's just the way they talk really, and them being a bunch of thieves, the city had a huge smack problem in the 80s and very much a working class city were often portraied as stupid (much like the welsh) by the "rest of britain" i.e. the south east of england, all of whom are wankers and think everyone else has a chip on their shoulders when in fact it's them that are the greedy shits who've runied it for the rest of us.

hehe, southern poofs.

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