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Subject: Official secrets?

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Original Message 1/17             08-Oct-02  @  03:19 PM   -   Official secrets?


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The UK government up to their usual shady business?

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Message 2/17             08-Oct-02  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?


Posts: 1502

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yeah, those gagging notices are unbelievable.. so much for free press..

Yet more evidence of the corrupt and hypocritical uk arms dealings.. helping to prop up dictators throughout the world..


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Message 3/17             08-Oct-02  @  04:08 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?



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never mind that - put this in google:


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Message 4/17             08-Oct-02  @  04:41 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?


Posts: 5701

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my god... they really are crazy!

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Message 5/17             08-Oct-02  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?


Posts: 4573

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The one that gets me is the picture at the bottom with the crosshairs messed up. Spooky shit.


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Message 6/17             08-Oct-02  @  04:59 PM     Edit: 08-Oct-02  |  05:11 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?


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haha lol! that kid is even worse that the "scientists".

"you will notice that the surface of the moon fades off into the distance, then is met with the moon's horizon. In a no-atmosphere environment, the ground shouldn't have faded out, but stayed crystal sharp unto the moon's horizon"

ever heard od camera FOCUS kid? eh...

idle hands are devilīs workshop, or something like that...

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Message 7/17             08-Oct-02  @  07:04 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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There's also that thing about the flag waving without any atmosphere on the moon. What a load of crap! If you see the orignial video, there are two astronauts adjusting the flag so that it will stay in the surface of the moon. Thus the flag moves! How strange! :P The conspiracy images have been doctored!!!



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Message 8/17             08-Oct-02  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?


Posts: 4573

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I'm talking about the crosshairs one. The rest is shit as far as I'm concerned.


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Message 9/17             08-Oct-02  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I must admit that the cross-hairs one is confusing. I havn't researched this too much. But I have allways felt that the cross-hairs one was too strange to be a straight fake. It's too much of an oversight for NASA. And I can't understand how the crosshairs would have been hidden by superimposition even if the scene was faked. There will be an explanation, and, as allways, it will probably be extremely obvious.



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Message 10/17             08-Oct-02  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Official secrets?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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OK, I've just found some of the photos of the Apollo moon landings and if you have a look at the different photos that show crosshairs, it is obvious that what's happening is the light reflecting off of the surface of the objects is bleeding in and around the crosshair and saturating the film. Thus, obliterating the crosshair. This happens all of the time in photography. All of the other photos that show the complete crosshair are of darker objects, so the bleed-through effect doesn't occur. Just look at some of the shots showing crosshairs in the link you provided psylichon, and I'm sure that you have to agree.



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