aaa Why I dont eat dairy! - The lounge forums
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Subject: Why I dont eat dairy!

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Original Message 1/25             08-Oct-02  @  07:48 PM   -   Why I dont eat dairy!



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actualy I stopped after me dad got cancer, and I was looking on the www and found some interesting data about territorial cancer rates linked to dairy consumption

i stumbled across this tho - eek!!....

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Message 2/25             08-Oct-02  @  08:02 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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main site

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Message 3/25             08-Oct-02  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I'm fucked! I get through at least 1 pint per day. Don't intend to change though, I practically live off of full cream Chocolate Nesquick. What a drink, the liquid breakfast of champions. :P



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Message 4/25             08-Oct-02  @  08:22 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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it's sposed to be a massive prostrate cancer booster tho...

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Message 5/25             08-Oct-02  @  08:57 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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had to buy a blender.. (and lots of rice)

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Message 6/25             08-Oct-02  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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a friend made me note that humans were the only animals to feed off other animals milk.

i then noted that humans were the only animals trying to dig holes trough the planet with the aid of nuclear fission.

could it be related ?

i guess that seals the faith of chocolate cake  

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Message 7/25             08-Oct-02  @  09:07 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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humans are the only creatures who scoop up
guacamole with tortilla chips.

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Message 8/25             08-Oct-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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they do ! i tought cem chips were better !?!?

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Message 9/25             08-Oct-02  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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I'd say eat what you like.. coz next year what is correct to eat this year is dangerous.

I believe it is more dangerous letting what's healthy this year decide what you are going to eat than eating what you really like

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Message 10/25             08-Oct-02  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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Big Mac 'em all. Let God sort 'em out.

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