aaa US General to control oil in Iraq - The lounge forums
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Subject: US General to control oil in Iraq

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Original Message 1/19             12-Oct-02  @  08:14 AM     Edit: 12-Oct-02  |  08:19 AM   -   US General to control oil in Iraq


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Now the the real US agenda for Iraq is coming out.

US plans military rule and occupation of Iraq

Here's a background to the US military buildup in the region here.

Hopefully, the inhabitanbts of the middle east will see this as the generous reaching out of a concerned democratic power and not a blatant grab for oil. Otherwise we could be in for a lot more terrorism eh? Still, cheney and bush no doubt will make a few $billion via their oil interests.

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Message 2/19             12-Oct-02  @  11:41 AM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq



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So much time and it just ticks away until there is little left. Make sure you do something with it.

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Message 3/19             12-Oct-02  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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uh... yeah.. tick tock etc..

time left before what exactly?

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Message 4/19             12-Oct-02  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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I love my country but I fear my government

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Message 5/19             12-Oct-02  @  12:50 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq



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can't we all get along and not kill each other?

Sometime I wonder if there's really intelligent life in the universe...

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Message 6/19             12-Oct-02  @  12:59 PM     Edit: 12-Oct-02  |  01:00 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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yes, there is intelligent life, and it wants oil..

hey you know you can run your car on vegetable oil? You can even use old chip/frying oil from restaurants.. just filter it and off you go...

There's this guy in the uk that collects it from restaurants (for free), filters it and runs his diesel car on it, the conversion kit costs 300 quid ($450)

Sounds great except your car smells like a chip shop... hahaha

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Message 7/19             12-Oct-02  @  01:32 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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you're marrying princess lucky, so you better get used to it.

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Message 8/19             12-Oct-02  @  01:41 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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Message 9/19             12-Oct-02  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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austrian farmers use vegetable oil for their cars and machines. the project is supported by the goverment, this being an ecological state and all, and there are even gas stations where you can get it. unfortunately, its not very good for passenger cars. it slowly destroys parts of your engine.

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Message 10/19             12-Oct-02  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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MMm.. well, i guess it wouldn't that much of a problem to design engines that it wouldn't affect adversely...

What is the cost like compared to petrol? (gas)

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