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Subject: The New American Century

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Original Message 1/23             16-Oct-02  @  08:43 AM   -   The New American Century


Posts: 1502

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Jeb Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney et al.

Read and weep... the american right's agenda for the world ... from 1997 to present day.

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Message 2/23             16-Oct-02  @  08:43 AM     Edit: 16-Oct-02  |  08:44 AM   -   The New American Century


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Message 3/23             16-Oct-02  @  11:03 AM     Edit: 16-Oct-02  |  11:08 AM   -   RE: The New American Century

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Oh deary me! Tee-hee-hee. Anyone remember studying the Nazi party and their political statements in history class???



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Message 4/23             16-Oct-02  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: The New American Century


Posts: 1675

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The less familiar names Wolfowitz, Bolton, Cambone, Cohen, Cross, Libby and Zakheim were all involved in drafting this "philosophy" and have positions in the administration. It was a consortium of these folks with Cheney and Dubya's daddy that drafted Dubya as their candidate, and Cheney was in charge of the committee that ended up choosing Cheney as veep. Then they pulled their coup. Go ahead and vote green or libertarian so that these guys are unimpeded in the senate, they'll luv ya for it. (Not like those dems showed much spine on this, they're scared of being branded unpatriotic or soft on terrorists.)

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Message 5/23             16-Oct-02  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: The New American Century



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dems are pawns

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Message 6/23             16-Oct-02  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: The New American Century



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brilliant, chuck. what next? "space is big"?

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Message 7/23             16-Oct-02  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: The New American Century



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Wolfowitz is the architect. Make no mistake! He has headed a conservative think tank for years. he was the first of these, "The countries gone to hell in a handbasket" power mongers. The first to pioneer the notion that we need to take back or strategic superiority we had after WW2. And the first to say publicly that the middle east was the way to do it! All those other bastards are followers!

Just run a google search on his name. He his a fowl tasting fairy! And one which prefers the shadow of relative obscurity. He is our nations Rasputin! And George and Jeb are running in circles to do his bidding as the nation stares glassy eyed into the clockworks!


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Message 8/23             16-Oct-02  @  08:37 PM   -   RE: The New American Century



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the new American Century?...

That's right, soon you'll all be eating McDonalds and wearing Blue Jeans and drinking Pepsi and Budweiser and... oh, yeah



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Message 9/23             16-Oct-02  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: The New American Century


Posts: 6231

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the urbanisation (or, as double say it, 'domestication') of all humans. they can taste it!

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Message 10/23             16-Oct-02  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: The New American Century


Posts: 1502

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what's even scarier is that stuff from this site is being written right into the white house policy documents almost word for word..

o and by the way.. china is next on the list if they step out of line... 'any attempt to attain parity or near parity with americas military position would show an outdated approach to geo-politics in the 21st century' unnhhhh... a not very veiled threat..

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