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Subject: the force is strong with this one

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  12:28 AM   -   the force is strong with this one


Posts: 1076

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fat kid + star wars = greater than a sum of its parts.

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Message 91/163             12-May-03  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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i used to have a wife who'd argue and argue and argue and yell.....aND YELL.....AND yes...YELL some more>

a phenomenon less impressive would be hard to imagine....and yet!?!?!

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Message 92/163             12-May-03  @  05:55 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

upright citizen


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'frrreee chocolate!'

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Message 93/163             12-May-03  @  06:09 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 2003

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Clay, you know not of which you speak beyond your own narrow view. You have no idea of what I've done, and you have no clues whatsoever beyond sad misunderstanding, misinterpretations, spins, and connotations. In other words, "you're fuckin SOFT!!"

What you and a few like you have are people that post on here, either occasioanlly or regularly reading this stuff who know me, and read the kind of swill you just laid out in your attempt at self-righteousness, and they just shake their heads in amazement at how fucked up you epople get things and twist them. Sure, you choose to see how I come off as being nothing but egotistical, callous, and moreover just abrasive as can be. But you have no idea of the mentality, integrity, experience, or character behind these words, so your pathetic little filter assigns an imagined character, complete with imagined history, manner, and appearance. How can you not find flaw in that, and then the flaw in the thoughts and opinions you try to shove up my ass? Don't even try to shame me off this site. Especially not because of your ignorance. Go shame yourlelf off, you loud mouthed, useless, conclusion-jumping prick. You still have no clue who The Programmers even are, what or who that term refers to, the history involved in it, the people who coined it,or even the origins of what this whole fucking site is about. You come on as of late, and you just talk useless shit, trying to down me. Think about it.

Yeah I'll solicit opinions wherever and however I feel like it. When's the last time you explained anything to anyone, or advised anybody on anything, be it where to look for a some piece of gear, how to set up something, how to accomplish a certain task, what a certain term means, or how it might be applied to what you do or don't already know? I do any and all of those tasks every single fucking day. Sometimes even here. Do you?
Can you show me? I can. All I've seen out of you is talking shit. Not helping out, just talking shit. Before you take another poke at me, you take a good look at yourself, and then maybe you'll have a little more cred, cuz right now, you're shit. I may come off as asshole especially with fuckheads like you talkin your normal line of shit, but I help people out on a daily basis, and not simply for profit or self-aggrandizement, but just to try to make the world a better place for all life later on. It doesn't sound like you do. This is your cue to take flying fuck at the moon.


PS KNOW the deal before you open your mouth.

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Message 94/163             12-May-03  @  06:22 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 2003

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btw Clay, I'm not your wife, and I certainly can see why with the way you make assumptions and twist things around, anybody else would choose not to be as well. Did you ever think that maybe you ought to think a bit more, and acknowledge the possibility that there are a lot of things, terms, histories, and ideas that you've made assumptions and definitions for that were incorrect, irrelevant, incomplete, and even ignorant to the point of offense for others?

By the reasoning you have illustrated, and that of some others here, it must be the fault of folks like Upright that people are fat. And what does that have to do with reading my interview, or your fucked up skewed view of me anyhow? Now go get your fuckin shinebox.


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Message 95/163             12-May-03  @  07:08 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 673

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"bullshit" "FUCK" "shit" "hairy spotty ass" "ing asshole" "so what's next?"

"...I'm just hateful"


"you're in SOFT!!" "swill" "shove up my ass?" "you loud mouthed, useless, conclusion-jumping prick" "you just talk useless shit" "you're shit" "heads like you" "take flying at the moon"

Having problems with powders and injectables?

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Message 96/163             12-May-03  @  07:13 AM     Edit: 12-May-03  |  07:27 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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fuck it. lets just see how long this one will go on. made it clear youre overweight, apparently due to a medical condition. those of us who take the time to think about these things realize that it DOES happen, truly is the minority. There are plenty of fat people who truly are gluttons, and yes, they are disgusting. Not in their fatness necessarily but in their gluttony. simple.

but...I'll say it again...MY point had NOTHING to do with the kid being fat. He wasnt even that fat! He was a bit clumsy, and got caught in a VERY awkward moment, and was put in the spotlight and made a target for social ridicule, simply for doing what he FELT at the time. was painful to watch, as it is a bit pitiful to see someone emulating a gosh-durn lightsaber fight sequence, but then...why is it so much cooler when fuckin Mark Hammill does it or ewen macgregor et al? WHY?

heh. because no one told them YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT. They had the benefit of having a team behind them. trainers, choreographers, maybe even a good childhood. who knows.

most of us have only ourselves. and really is quite lame to keep blaming, to make excuses for any of it since, due to us being completely alone at the end of it all we really are responsible for ourselves. bad parenting? yes. it fucks with you. no doubt, but your parents arent here now. got picked on in school? OUCH. firsthand experience. but school's over for the most part. sure it keeps going but at some point we gotta say FUCK YOU. I wont let you influence me anymore

unless of course our brains are nearlly destroyed by the trauma. neural pathways forged so strongly only a herculean effort could redirect them. psychopath anyone?

dunno pongoid. you just keep sayin fuck off fuck off fuck off and no one here knows you and you just belittle more and more and more

I know you dont care what people think. why should you? So you wouldnt care that I dont know what to think, only that I know hedz that have met you and rate you highly...

hell...if we took a vote on how many lurkers here would guess that I am a total asshole...Ill bet the votes would be quite harshly against me...

but I dont think Ive ever come off as strongly as you. ever

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Message 97/163             12-May-03  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

Big Fat Nobody


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Steve WAS NOT saying "it's funny BECAUSE he's fat"

In fact the humor has NOTHING to do with the way the

Funny or not, up to you, FOR YOU.

I see that a lot of you are saying (consciously or
unconsciously) "i don't care HOW GOOD A POINT any
of you make, i'm not listening because i've established
a viewpoint which is that I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE

Y'all So Stupid.

BTW I'm not fat, but i WAS for a brief period. ICE
did i feel like shit - no energy, etc.

but damn if you're going to listen to this, eh? must be
my fault YOUR SO STUPID!

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Message 98/163             12-May-03  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

Jock Munro

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I just thought the clip was funny because a fat sweaty spaz was making a cock of himself. If I saw that bloke in the pub I'd buy him a beer.

I have struggled for years to control my weight. I do the gym 3 times a week, I avoid fatty foods, chocolate..etc . in fact all the stuff that tastes gorgeous. I live on salads, seafood and tomatoes. I love food, and love cooking. But I have to avoid cooking so many dishes coz of the fat content. If I feel bloated I panic and stick my fingers down my throat. Have been doing that for years now. Although I'm slowly learning to serve smaller portions to avoid that.

At the weekend I managed to fit into jeans with a 34 inch waist. Havent done that for over 10 years. So its paying off, but its a hard slog. I know I'll never be buff. But its better than looking like an EU Lard mountain. Perhaps its becomming an obsession. I could be the worlds fattest bulimic. I dont mind throwing up. In a sick sort of way I actually enjoy it.

Anyway. Why cant we take the piss out of fat people. Or take the piss out of anyone for that matter. Theres a line that you cant cross, such as taking the piss out of someone that is sexism, racism. Most people are strong enough to deal with jokes being made at their expense.

People take the piss out of me about loads of things. Its funny. I like having the piss taken out of me. Better to have attention, good or bad, rather than no attention at all.

If people cant deal with being a target then I think its them who have the problem.

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Message 99/163             12-May-03  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Message 100/163             12-May-03  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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i would never suggest that i'm not often a rather offensive individual. i also know how easily offended the squeamish can be......and the fact that a little offense given and taken is sometimes a necessary part of honest discourse. i also try not to make it a totally constant, ongoing part of my "act"....part of my nature...part of who i am and what i'll be remembered as. i'm just saying that there's other parts to you> ape.. but you seem most contented displaying the one we already know all-too-well. in so repeating the same performance over and over....our interest becomes diminished.
whatever presumptions i've made in the past, i've eagerly tried to overcome and yet you keep reinforcing my old first-impressions of you.
that's just my being honest with you.

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