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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 91/113             19-Jul-99  @  10:07 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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I'm not quite sure if you remove the gun you remove the drugs problem as here in the UK we don't have such a big gun problem but we still have a big drugs problem. Even after the banning of guns the problem is still growing. I live up in Cheshire (relativly in the country) and I know people who carry guns (I nearly got shot for not having any cig's). I also know many people who do and deal drugs (not me-too much of a risk especially in a fairly small community like this. Anyway I don't agree with dealing). I know a 17 year old with a record with around 12 counts of possetion and 6 with intent to deal. He recently got arrested for driving on crack and was found carrying a semi automatic weapon and an 8" knife-needless to say he is in a youth offenders place and we all know where he will be for most of his life. This rather put me off getting involved with that shit. Like drink though.

I agree with guns being a front though, as all the worlds governments could do far more to stop the trafficing of drugs and generally, gun incodents are more publicised than drug ones. In the UK this has become more true lately as usually you will only here about drugs if a huge haul has been made.

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Message 92/113             19-Jul-99  @  10:14 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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sorry miss type- thats 2 counts of possetion (makes a bit of a difference over 12!) and 3 for dealing. Also he wasn't found with drugs, driving and with the gun & kife @ the same time- these were seperate incodents (I thought I made that clear till I read it through again). Anyway, seems a bit of a waste of his life.

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Message 93/113             19-Jul-99  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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I really agree with your sentiments Craig and Influx. On friday night i was at one of Sydneys clubs and a guy died from taking some drug (can't remeber what it was called, but it is a bad batch doing the rounds other people have gotten sick), the Police were down there, front page news the next etc. Its really sad the guy was 22, about to complete his chef's apprenticeship etc. I ain't opposed to people taking drugs but Ultimately it comes down to you as the individual to take responsibility for there actions. The guy who died has only himself to blame. I know that sounds so cold and clinical, but its just the way it is. I hope the guy is in a better place now.

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Message 94/113             20-Jul-99  @  12:52 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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A comment about guns...i dont want to sound like a militaristic psyco hear but gun control is a double edged sword i mean this may sound paranoid but if you take guns and such from the people whats to stop a corrupt goverment from exerciseing tranny over everyone?
its happened in the past and it will happen again everone thinks that guns need to be taken off the streets and blah blah blah and its really sad that so many people die because of it but i mean what can you do?
i believe its tragic and i hate guns worse than anything i believe they are a cowards weapon and they do cause more problems than they solve...but if it comes down to those that have and those that have not then it just seems easy for like say the military or someone to come and walk all over the peoples rights. All this is not as improbable as you might think but its pretty damn realistic if you look at history and how those that have better tecknology and weapons almost always oppresse those without look no further than the indians for you answers its a dangerous world we live in and a razors edge we walk on you cant really depend on other peoples morality to get you through life you have to look out for yourself sometimes.....

one love ya'll hehe

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Message 95/113             20-Jul-99  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Gimme my box back!!!!
The "receptors" theory is not BULLSHIT..I just explained it wrong...the deal is (what Ive read) is that substances only produce reactions in us if our body is programmed to accept the chemical basis of that substance...YES synthetics will work..of course..we all know that, but my point is is that these receptors were there before the synthetics came along...

WHAT AM I TRYING TO SAY NOW? That certain substances have a home in our bodies, and therefore arent AS dangerous as others...

When you start messing with shit like Coke and speed, which end up "replacing" the production of certain chemicals in our get damage..when you stop, those chemical systems that were working fine before are no longer functional, or not proper..

OK...Im still not getting it right..this is so full of holes..Im done 

Need we start on the guns thing? Please lets thing we'll be talking bout sex and stuff, and we'll have 20/20 doing a special on DanceTech chat rooms...I can see it now!

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Message 96/113             20-Jul-99  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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I'm going to steer clear of the gun thing, although I'd like to make my opinion known that, according to my system of belief in American Constitutional Law (I am American, after all... Can't speak for you Europeans), I find ALL forms of gun control put in place by the US government to be ILLEGAL. Whether or not I agree with the previous statement is irrelevant, it's existance is part of what keeps other freedoms which I do care about in place.

I Quote, "Congress shall MAKE NO LAW..."

Anyway, It sucks that someone died from a bad batch... I truly feel for those people. And to be blatantly honest, the government controls that are supposedly there to "protect" people killed that young man. If the substance he was taking was a legal substance manufactured by a pharmaceutical company, that person would be walking the streets today. When's the last time you heard of someone dying from a bad batch of Tylenol?

Instead of dictating what people should and shouldn't do, why can't our governments work to offer a safe environment for us to do whatever we want?


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Message 97/113             20-Jul-99  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Craig: you don't need a bad batch of Tylenol to kill somebody, just a lot of it (causes liver damage). and "a lot" is actually much less than most people would think.

influx: sorry, misunderstood you. yes, there are holes in the theory (as in most theories...). it's a bit of a stretch to say these compounds "have a home in our bodies". usually they work because they are structurally similar to neurotransmitters or other chemicals that alter the effects of neurotransmitters. but as to why they are similar, you've got at least a few different possibilities...

the coke and speed thing... don't actually "replace", but yes as a result you get less activity in the dopaminergic pathways. not good.

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Message 98/113             20-Jul-99  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Skul - a lot of anything can kill anyone, and it's usually less than you think. The point I was trying to make was that a under a legalized drug trade, you'd be taking potency-regulated compounds manufactured at pharmaceutical grade facilities. The chances of you dying from a normal dose of something because someone mixed in too much anything are far more remote than taking a hit of acid that someone cooked up in their bathtub or something...


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Message 99/113             20-Jul-99  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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How's 'bout that... 99 devils was 99th poster on this thread.. And this bullshit post just made it hit 100!


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Message 100/113             20-Jul-99  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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A quick note regarding legalities of drugs, and guns. Outlawing something is great for business. Drugs were outlawed. Now most major nations economies are propped up by drug money more than any other product. Do the research. The same will happen with guns. You can't just rule something away. Advocates of gun control belong in the same boat as those who push drug control. They are people who would rather just outlaw something rather than educate others to be responsible and considerate of themselves and others in their conduct. The easy way out. We all can and need to help educate and be willing to learn from each other. (I am not a fucking hippie!!)


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