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Subject: why i am happy about the elections

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  01:21 PM   -   why i am happy about the elections


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this probably fits into the category K doesn't want posted here.

so fair warning... if you are offended by the topic of abortion quit reading. and take this point: i am not telling you what to believe, i am telling you what i believe so take it for what it is, an opinion.

ok i think that the republicans gaining control of the senate is the absolute most important thing to ever happen in the past 30 years.

this means that bush gets to appoint judges without having them blocked left and right. so just as clinton did before him, bush can put people into positions of power who are anti-abortion.

i think that abortion is the biggest travesty against human life in america since slavery.

just as the white slave owners of the blacks said that they were not human and thereby justified thier actions in pursuit of wealth i see the same thing happening today.

then it was 'these slaves are not humans therefore to gain wealth and happiness we will abuse them and do as we please with them... since they are not humans they have no rights'

today i see people saying the same thing:

'it doesn't matter that i have created a baby because it isn't a human being. i need to go to college/work/whatever so that i can be happy and prosperous. i will therefore do what i like with this nonhuman so that i can persue wealth and an easy life unhindered'

what exactly is the difference between the slave owners and the current people who choose to take human life in order to serve themselves?

i believe that *should* roe v wade get overturned in this country it will be a great stride forward for all humanity.

extremely inflammatory comment here: if bush gets abortion outlawed or at a minimum pushed back to a states right to choose america will be standing in defense of the helpless and needy.

i am aware many do not agree with me but that is fine. many people were against lincoln when he tried to abolish slavery, afterall they weren't humans.

you guys can slam me if you want (used to it) but this has to be the most important civil rights issue since the MLK days and it affects people of all colors and nationalities indiscriminately.

i hope that justice comes for the innocent lives that are lost every day in the name of greed and selfishness.


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Message 101/122             09-Nov-02  @  12:26 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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101 ya'll!

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Message 102/122             09-Nov-02  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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why i am happy about the electrons.

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Message 103/122             13-Nov-02  @  09:39 PM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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a non religous viewpoint some of you might appreciate

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Message 104/122             14-Nov-02  @  01:14 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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Well, I do appreciate their point, and it is an issue worth considering, but to say it's "secular" when they base the premise on:

- that they are endowed by their "Creator"

seems a little offbase.

Who they referring to as "my" creator anyway? My old man?

While, I'm certainly willing to entertain the idea that life begins at conception, mayhap even earlier, I'm not willing to believe in some "creator" figure out of myth and legend, even less so if that "creator" somehow makes humanity "special." So, while I might agree with some of their arguments on the "secular" page, they're premise (IMO) is fucked, so logic and the ability to debate (cos how can one debate against ethereal things like "creators") is moot.

I'm really not trying to bust yer balls here, Jamey, just trying to illustrate why I, in particular, have issues with such arguments.


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Message 105/122             14-Nov-02  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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I think "creator" must be taken metaphorically in matters like this. That's where most people have problems with religions, they won't give up with the damned metaphors!

Or even recognize them in the first place...


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Message 106/122             14-Nov-02  @  01:27 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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Well, I tend to agree, psylichon, but how does one know where to draw the line on metaphors? And for thaat matter, what is a metaphorical "creator?" Naw, I dunna buy it. If they want to be "secular" then drop the god/creator shit. If they can't do that, or in this case, as it's in the original documents, cite something else that's not "offensive" to overly sensitive types like mesef...

god talk simply turns me off.....

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Message 107/122             14-Nov-02  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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looked to me like they were trying to adapt the language of the constitution/declaration of independence (where they use the 'endowed by the creator' terminology etc.) but i can see what you are saying.

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Message 108/122             14-Nov-02  @  02:00 AM     Edit: 14-Nov-02  |  02:03 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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Moral questions can't be answered by science, abortion is a multi-faceted question of morality.Whether it is preferable to force a mentally retarded rape victim to go through with a full term pregnancy or to have the pregnancy terminated is one facet of that question science can only provide facts not judgements but the God squad would say "full term or be damned!" that's far too absolute for my mind.

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Message 109/122             14-Nov-02  @  02:40 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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good point pict, i don't know the answer to that situation either but you do have to admit thats like a worst case scenario and not representative of the normal case...

i think a majority of americans are against any form of abortion except in cases of rape or danger to the mother. i think a small percentage are against abortion in any form and a small percentage are fully for abortions in any circumstance.

most people in the debate play the fringes of either extreme but fail to acknowledge most people want it limited to a great degree.


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Message 110/122             14-Nov-02  @  03:12 AM     Edit: 14-Nov-02  |  03:20 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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In my opinion the situation with legal abortion in most western countries arises from a compromise between the extreme views of both sides from those who think it's unacceptable in any situation to those who want termination rights up until the point they're about to drop(to put it very crudely).

Whether that compromise is decided on by the people or the powers that be is a big question in itself but at any rate the moral decision has been taken by a majority of those who govern in favour of the rights of the mother over the rights of the unborn and those who govern don't like moving the goalposts too much when it comes to highly emotive issues like these because it gets noticed too much and it polarises the population.In the present day situation with imminent war with Iraq and all that may entail it would be very foolish politically to have a polarised population.

In that light I think that it will remain legal though possibly with a few token gesture restrictions regardless of what the radical Christians want,that is unless the majority of the population become radical Christians which I think is unlikely.Codified morality is hard work when you're busy dealing with reality.

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