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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 101/113             20-Jul-99  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Pongoid, I think that was the best, most concise pro-free-choice piece I've ever read... Props...


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Message 102/113             21-Jul-99  @  03:54 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Fucking hippies 
...Props Pongoid...we're on the same all comes down to personal responsibility. EVERYTHING...if people were more aware, and more responsible..there would be a reduction in EVERYTHING>>>traffic accidents..drug addiction/ name it, self-monitoring would reduce it...

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Message 103/113             21-Jul-99  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Then get this the first world supplies guns to the third world.
|The third world is prevented from selling drugs to the first world.
So its OK to peddle pain and death if you happen to be government.
But not OK to peddle pleasure if you happen to be a poorpeasant farmer.
Its not a moral or health issue its just a means of achieving financial dominance over another population.

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Message 104/113             22-Jul-99  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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big thread going here... 2 things.

1. i thought they left off a bit of the Declaration, cos i thought the original said - "... have the right to bare arms for the establishment of a militia" or words to that effect, but they left out the "militia" bit nowadays... so in fact the constitution only allows for people to bare arms when forming a militia, which is now long gone since the forming of the regular US military....

2. frightening Tobbacco docu' on the TV a few nights ago... check it... the Uk & US govt made a deal, and cigarettes became standard army issue (ie, had to be included in the kit), and the UK spent more on US tobacco during the war than it did on planes and tanks and guns etc.... can you beleive that ?

as a consequence, after the war, 98% of English smoked cos they had been encouraged to for 5 years... .. and also the product was firmly established in all other territiories in the conflict from malaysia to europe... cool business move huh ?... the Brits even had a secret invasion plan to provide for 40 fags per week for everyone in the Uk if they were invaded... i mean they even made & setup a secret plan for it's supply from the USA in case of invasion !... ha ha

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Message 105/113             22-Jul-99  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Kilo - there's been plenty of debate over the "militia" thing... The original intent was to allow the people to arm themselves against an oppressive government (!), as American colonists did against Britain in the 1700s... I personally couldn't care less if they do ban guns, but it's an important freedom to many Americans. Of course I'm for any sort of freedom for anyone (including, the freedom to blow your neighbor away, or in reverse, the freedom to prevent getting blown away by your neighbor), whether or not I agree or disagree with the merit of that particular freedom. I just want my government to keep it's hands off my life and out of my wallet.

As an OT - Does anyone realize how much money the US gov't spent dragging JFK Jr. out of the ocean, only to have the families cremate the bodies THEN THROW THEM BACK IN THE WATER!!!!!!!


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Message 106/113             22-Jul-99  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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The question is why the US government would still be interested in spending money on this particular dead American unless he is some how more important than your average live one.
Bad weather death...More money than sense.

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Message 107/113             22-Jul-99  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Saw that cig's docu. Said the US government were supplying each soldier with 50 a day!

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Message 108/113             09-Oct-02  @  06:12 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Funny stuff

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Message 109/113             09-Oct-02  @  11:07 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Repost for 99

Well here we are, eh?

Reflecting a shape to it rather than the sound it makes.

"Destroy and create in the same hand" feels right, perhaps the sound is the that of cut and the healing, or the cut and the continual probing and pulling of the scab so it never heals (perhaps that's the album or the 12" mix).

I think that drugs are a way to sensitise and like any significant event (bird leaving you, realisation of shit life, dead dog etc) it is a significant change to a future personally envisaged. The creativity is the flow into the void made by realisation of a difference.

For me I thought sometimes that i stood on a box, senses filled by the screen filling my view. The booze etc was there to have me on my tiptoes (unstable for sure) but able to peek around the surface of the screen, being amazed by the simplicity of the levers and their interactions that yielded the complex picture i would ordinarily percieve. The event would have me seeing both ways, into myself to see the mechanisms of recognition (forming a control) and from there out to the levers working the view. I could easily be off it by myself here but hey so what - as long as i like it it's got to OK. It's all relative but we are all the same, thats why even the most selfish expressions will find those in understanding (see shared states at raves, favourite love songs, invoking other senses whilst listening to music - smells etc), and so much more remembered for it.

I rarely saw the behind picture and it changed depending on my mood but the collection of experiences from 'around the back' make me feel like i have done something that i would wish to pass on and the unspeakable strangeness of it expressed through standard means such as words, music or tones of conversation brings the completely personal experience more into a genrally accessable format for public consumption (dance mix) or private preoccupation (accapela)

For me I think that new experiences (induced or not) keep me intertested enough to "get on one about it", to create a something and then feel confident enough to venture to take peoples time without feeling I am wasting their time.

I suspect there is a direct link between separation from reality, realisation of context and ability to create something relevant to that reality, if there really are few levers (and no original thought) the expression of it is possibly the only aspect the artist can contribute to the work.

"Whatever we choose to do to reach a place is nothing compared the effects of the weather there"

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Message 110/113             09-Oct-02  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I know I'm late but what the hell. Personally I feel that it has alot to do with the "Stream of Consciousness". It has been said many times that these mind altering substances boost the effects of the stream of consciousness, hence the use of them by artists.

Short description of SOC:

Or more in-depth:



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