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Subject: the force is strong with this one

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  12:28 AM   -   the force is strong with this one


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fat kid + star wars = greater than a sum of its parts.

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Message 111/163             13-May-03  @  01:44 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 11

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Man it's amazing that little clip turned into a debate about fat people.

I laughed at it because it's like when your a kid and see rocky or karate kid you get up and start kicking the shit out of the sofa or your mate. Eye of the tiger still makes me wanna run up a hundred steps lol (and yes top gun made my wanna be a pilot)

But this argument about people not gettin off their arses and doing something about it is a bit sick.

I have an overweight friend who trains like riding mountain bikes, running, swimming, watching his diet etc.. but he still cannot get under 18 stone. But hes still cool as , funny, gets laid often and its because he is happy the way he is, it shows and people love him.

But he isnt fat because he eats to much it is down to his somatotype.

There are three basic somatotypes which the majority of people fall into. Ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph (some people fall in between like an endoecto etc..)

Ectomorphs are skinny usually tallish with long legs and arms and have smaller bones and a fast metabolism. usualy they really struggle to but on weight because fat distributes all over their body.

Mesomorphs are the in between that can put on weight and take it off quite easily, these are usually the gifted ones when it comes to body building because they are the ones that can get that lean muscle easily.

Then theres the endomorph like my friend who is heavy boned has a slow metabolism and really struggles to get wieght off but put can pile it on fast if not careful. Fat on endomorphs tends to gather around the abdomen and endo women usually have big hips and breasts.

If any of you do any body building you should really look into this beacuse I train a little and really struggle to grow in size but just keep getting stronger (which can be funny cause I have been called a skinny twat by some of the bigger blokes and then shown them up bench pressing).

But it is upto people how they live thier own lives if they are happy being big, skinny whatever it usually shows, like the kid in the video he wasnt just sat eating a cake watching telly he was enjoying himself making a video probably with some friends and they laughed about together afterwards.


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Message 112/163             13-May-03  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Dammit Psy, You ECTOMORPH!!!!!!



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Message 113/163             13-May-03  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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it's nice to come home and not have to argue.

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Message 114/163             13-May-03  @  03:48 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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"I laughed at it because it's like when your a kid and see rocky or karate kid you get up and start kicking the shit out of the sofa or your mate. Eye of the tiger still makes me wanna run up a hundred steps lol (and yes top gun made my wanna be a pilot) "

fuckin good one. maybe we're too serious sometimes too 

there's definitely both sides to it

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Message 115/163             13-May-03  @  05:28 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Jock, I've been holdin court in the twats corner for a while. Happy to join ya! I'll tip a couple pints with ya anytime. Even a couple fingers of Scotch if you're feelin it. Nothin blended though. I'm gonna take a guess you know of a couple good distilleries and the numbers of the good casks. ;-)

'I'm gonna be the bastard AGAIN,..." That was the first line I opened with in this thread. Now the reason why things keep being repeated is that they obviously do not sink in.

Big fat, you made a choice and changed how you were. Hat's off to you.

Yeah debate is pointless. No sense in trying to argue logic against emotion. It's like trying to debate the validity of religion with a zealot. The zealot can never have the honesty to look at the possiblity of error in his religion, so he has to just try to discredit the person debating against him cuz he really has no argument. Classic scenario. If you can't argue the evidence, discredit the one presenting the argument and its presentation.

1) Hey that's shit on your shoe.

2) Dude, you're fucked up for saying that.

1) No, really it stinks. Go on, take a look, that's shit on your shoe.

2) You are such an asshole.

3) Yeah 1 you are a total dink. I heard what you said to XYZ, and I think you are an asshole too.

1) But can't you smell that? Are you saying that it's not really dogshit, or that it can't be rubbed off? 2, why don't you go wipe that shit off of your shoes and stop stinking up the joint?

3) I'm so tired of you 1. You're such a dink. You're just trying to be an asshole.

1) No, I just don't like the smell or the tracks on the rug.

2) Can't you shut up already? It's not the my shoe's fault for finding it. Also, that could be that rare flavor of innuit fudge, that's like totally rare and is made in some secret way...

1) 2, it's shit. It smells like shit, and you can wipe it off. You don't need to get therapy or some special wax to pollish your shoe soles, just go out and wipe it off!

3) You are such an asshole!! Tell me about your pee-pee!

1) Leave my pee-pee alone. 3, you are the one who's being an asshole here. I'm just saying that that is shit on that shoe and it can and should be rubbed off. It's offensive to everybody else at the dinner party. It's not my house, but it's lame to bring that shit in here, and even more lame to act like it's not there or not shit.

2) No it's not!!

3) It's not his fault he couldn't see it in the middle of the walkway, he was lookin at his watch, trying to keep up with the time!!! You're an asshole 1!!!

1) You mean he didn't know what a dog is or know that that is hit, or that he stepped in it?

3) You're such an asshole!! You're so immature!! You're so selfish.

4) 1, you used to be less of an asshole. Yeah maybe it's shit, maybe it stinks, or maybe it's some ectoplasm from another dimension, or it could be that eskimo fudge. I stepped in shit and wiped it off, but it might be super rare eskimo fudge shoes that somebody can't take off that sometimes makes that smell.

5) Hey I have that eskimo fudge! I don't like your pee-pee, and you talk to much!!! You're an asshole, 1.

1) 5, do you stink too? 2, is that shit STILL on your shoe?

2) I didn't step in it. A poodle must have come up, and wiped it's ass on me!!! It's not my fault! I need somebody else to wipe it off!!!

3) 1, you're such an asshole.

1) The shit still stinks, no matter how much of an asshole I am.....

This is not a perfect illustration, but I think you can get the picture. You think I enjoy any of this? You know what? Fuck it. Go ahead and love fat people. Coddle them and be enablers for them. Keep tham fat. In fact I've wasted too much time on a lot of you assholes already. Besides none of you need help. You already know all of it, so why should I care or bother?


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Message 116/163             13-May-03  @  06:29 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one



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Hey Pongoid, this is totaly aside, I shut up when you made your "You're small too" comment.

But, Why do you feel the need to help and fix everything? That last statement that you made (I loved the sh+t analogy) comes off like you are here to help and we're too stupid too take our medicine. Is that how you see it? Again, comes off... it's become clear that your intentions are not evident in your posts... At least that's what I've garnered about your posts in the last coupl'a weeks.


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Message 117/163             13-May-03  @  07:01 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 686

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The stinky analogy is a fallacy, Ape. If Shit on shoe=being fat. No one is denying that fat people exist. It's the reason behind that's up for discussion. And there are pro's and con's for the argument that people can control their weight. There is no one truth that everone has to understand.

Debate.... dialogue.... you listen to other people's opinion and think it over. Then you present a different view and they listen. All based on reasoning and facts. Then you agree or agree to disagree and part ways as equals. Or hangout have a beer and talk.... well shit. Try it, Ape. It's fun.

Back to the clip. I agree with GPC. It's laughing at all the times we are awkward or did someting stupid. Only we get to see someone else do it. I laughed my ass off.

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Message 118/163             13-May-03  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one



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what about us xenomorph's ?

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Message 119/163             13-May-03  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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Youre a shapeshifter ? I saw that on Startrek once. Cool.

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Message 120/163             13-May-03  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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i'm going back to sleep dear.

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