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Subject: Two in a Bar

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Jan-03  @  11:41 AM   -   Two in a Bar


Posts: 1502

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Dancing is only allowed if premises have been granted a public entertainment licence
- and precisely what this means was spelt out by Bob Currie, Westminster's director of
the community protection department, in a letter quoted in The Publican.

"Dancing could be described as the rhythmic moving of the legs, arms and body usually changing positions within the floor space available and whether or not accompanied by musical support."

Each week thousands of drinkers flock to the West End's two huge Pitcher and Piano pubs as part of a night out in London. In these smart modern premises, music and drinking go hand in hand. But now the pubs' owners have been fined £5,000 after small groups of customers were spotted dancing - in breach of licensing laws which ban "rhythmic moving".

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Message 11/14             03-Jan-03  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: Two in a Bar


Posts: 673

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why do they do this?, sorry if it obvious but it isn't to me.

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Message 12/14             03-Jan-03  @  03:03 PM   -   RE: Two in a Bar


Posts: 2890

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it's traditional

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Message 13/14             03-Jan-03  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: Two in a Bar


Posts: 673

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not the swaying (ar ar) this whole oppression thing, who benefits?

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Message 14/14             05-Jan-03  @  06:49 AM   -   RE: Two in a Bar


Posts: 1502

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The local councils who sell licenses for swaying to the venues. The local people who are protected from random swaying in public places and the inevitable problems that follow.

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