aaa Pimpin' recommendations please - The lounge forums
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Subject: Pimpin' recommendations please

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-03  @  09:34 AM   -   Pimpin' recommendations please



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I need some help gents. Can anyone recommend me some albums/artists/etc please?

I'm after some god damn pimpin' soul action. You know that James Brown track where he sings "paid the cost to be the boss" and then the horn section plays a little riff. Well I think the stuff I'm after is from that time period. Can anyone tell me where to start?, I'm useless when it comes to 60s and 70s soul. But I know that I want the really cool pimpin' stuff.

Any soul heads out there?

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Message 11/15             27-Jan-03  @  09:30 PM   -   RE: Pimpin' recommendations please


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yeah here's that purple label I wuz thinking of

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Message 12/15             28-Jan-03  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: Pimpin' recommendations please


Posts: 7627

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dunno if its "soul" but man I saw Maceo Parker once in steamboat springs and there wasnt a single person within a 1 mile radius standin still!

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Message 13/15             28-Jan-03  @  10:11 AM   -   RE: Pimpin' recommendations please


Posts: 673

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really early Jackson 5 but that could be too fast

or shaft or dirty harry soundtracks

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Message 14/15             28-Jan-03  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: Pimpin' recommendations please



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i have a nice live maceo parker cd and does have that sweaty non-stop soulful which maceo is a very giving individual and
to the point of almost getting silly....with songs like pass the peas....and shake everything you got.

i also believe there was a point where very early reggae was finding it's identity and dub and soul interacted a bit. i haven't a clue where to start but you might try asking some old heads if such a thing were true. here you'd find long versions of american soul mixing with jamaican dub.
i like desmond dekker even though he sang sang & sang and then sang some more...probably more soul than reggae>

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Message 15/15             03-Feb-03  @  02:53 AM   -   RE: Pimpin' recommendations please

man called clay


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listened to that old live maceo parker cd today.
perhaps the funkiest> happiest album i own.

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