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Subject: Faith

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Sep-02  @  05:37 AM   -   Faith


Posts: 4573

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Persuant to another thread in another forum in another land...

I'm really curious about the kinds of things we put our faith into. There's a lot of talk about various religions and the differences between them lately, but a lot of the talk sounds like a book report. What I mean is, it sounds like well-collected information culled from various readings (most of them from reputable sources, no doubt) used to form an opinion about a subject. The problem is that we can't read everything. And even if we could, reading without bias does not occur. You have an opinion before you start that affects everything that passes through you, and you only take what you feel is important. It just seems like a snowball effect that leaves you old, bitter towards the world, and highly opinionated (often complaining about how others are stubborn in their reasoning... etc....)

I think live, interactive debate cannot be surpassed as a learning experience. To really take in someone else's view on life and the things that are important to them is one of the greatest gifts we have (it's reflected in our music, and subsequent appreciation of each other's creations). The same biases can take place as in reading, but I think the dynamic nature of a conversation eliminates unchecked bias without reason.

Ok, now to my point. I was raised Christian. My mother is very active in the church, and follows very conservative Christian values. I used to be very active in the church with youth groups, mission work, and stuff like that. After the self-exploration that is college, I strayed away (does this sound familiar to anyone?) My mother and I lately have been getting into spiritual conversations, and she is ever more vocal about her disappointment in the direction my beliefs are heading.

I want to know what it is about Christianity that makes it so prevalent in today's society? I mean, millions of people don't choose this lifestyle just because their parents did. I know that Christianity goes deep, I've just never felt it. And I don't want slagging answers from non-Christians... "it's a crutch, a lie, a shame, etc." I've heard all that and I don't learn a thing from it. I want a personal account of why someone puts their faith in Christian ideals.

And so help me if someone accuses someone else of trying to "force" their opinion on others, I'm gonna shit all over you because that stuff just kills the kind of debate that I'm looking for here. And I don't want philosophical ramblings that you've heard and can relate to and they sound cool, but they aren't you. I want only deep ideas that have really been thought out.

This kind of stuff is important to me, so please take this thread seriously. If the lounge is not the place for this kind of discussion, let me know and I'll take it elsewhere....?

Thanks for really thinking about it, guys. This could be really cool...


p.s. - Yes, Jamie, I know you're the resident Christian here, and I'm kinda hoping you'll help me start things here, if you want...

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Message 161/188             11-Oct-02  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: Faith


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Milan, that song kicks ass. I'm burning a CD for my future child as we speak. Fucking brilliant :}

where did you find it? that's not you?


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Message 162/188             11-Oct-02  @  10:47 PM   -   RE: Faith


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lol. yes, i was actually part of monthy python´s gang for a while ;)

its from Monthy Python´s Meaning Of Life. this song is the best bit by far.

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Message 163/188             11-Oct-02  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Faith


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{smacks head} I should have realized.
That's one I never saw.

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Message 164/188             11-Oct-02  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: Faith


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"... cause there´s bugger all down here on earth". i piss myself every tme i hear that part :D

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Message 165/188             12-Oct-02  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: Faith



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Where do you get your drugs from kilo? They are fecking powerfull!

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Message 166/188             12-Oct-02  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: Faith


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 167/188             14-Oct-02  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: Faith



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yeah, there's definately some tripper logic at work here!

One of the most brilliant things I've ever heard was Stephen Hawking on who/what created the universe. He said, "It's not measurable. We have no point of reference prior to the big bang. So the question isn't worth considering."

hehehe, you see... If you can't answer it, why ask the question. I used to spend a lot of time beating my monkey brain on the wall of reality. Trying to make sense of it. But when you personalize the reality of quantum science you find that anythings possible with the right perspective. "As you believe, so it shall be" has never been truer. So questions are mute... because they are only answerable from one individuals perspective, and reality is what we expect it to be. So answers are invalid!

and on...


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Message 168/188             14-Oct-02  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Faith


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As I see it, it's not important to know what happened before the big bang/creation/whatever. I don't think it is "unknowable," but it is certainly so given our current material existence. I think the more important question is "WHY is it unknowable to us in our current form?" What is the barrier between the finite and the infinite?


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Message 169/188             14-Oct-02  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Faith



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less science in that question methinks, and more religion. I agree the answer is knowable. But once we're capable of fathoming it's depths, I suspect we won't give a damn! It'll seem so obvious once we've managed a clearer perspective, that we shall wonder at how we didn't (not couldn't, 'cause I think we can) see it before.

How we go about that shift in perspective is going to be as varied a number as there are perceptions! But I agree that it's important to setermine first how our perspective got so f*cked up in the first place so we can be careful not to let it happen again. I think it's conceptualization myself. Nouns are not our friends, and we've abused them severely to the point of convincing ourselves of somethings validity based on it's name rather than it's material. We've already determined that there's no varifiable material to ANYTHING save what we assume it to be. But we still insist on beating ourselves over the head with the notion that stuff has a measurable existence around us!

Why is that, I wonder?



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Message 170/188             15-Oct-02  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: Faith


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Basically, I think that the new science will be able to prove the existence of things we would have called "supernatural" in the old science paradigm. It won't give the answers from beyond, but it will show that there is a beyond.

Within the next century I bet transcendental meditation will become a standard course of study for all scientists.


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