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Subject: why modern rock sucks

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Feb-03  @  08:13 AM   -   why modern rock sucks


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came across this great diary from an engineer in LA, it's a hilarious read...

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Message 11/18             27-Feb-03  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks


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but why "alsihad"? i know why *not* "protools", but why "alsihad"? i want to know.

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Message 12/18             27-Feb-03  @  03:01 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks


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That IS hilarious. You gotta love Dumb Ass.

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Message 13/18             27-Feb-03  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks



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I guess they were throwing shit against the wall and that's the piece that stuck  

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Message 14/18             05-Mar-03  @  10:07 AM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks



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Thanks man! I had to read this to the end, when I was supposed to be studying for my exam. Thanks a lot!

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Message 15/18             05-Mar-03  @  12:14 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks


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Yea it's kinda like Stephen King. Hard to stop once you start. I sent a link to a friend of mine at work. It's so funny cuz the last couple of days I hear him laughing at his desk. The first couple of times I asked him why he's laughing and he says "I'm reading that diary". I don't need to ask him anymore. I hear him laugh and I know he's on it again.

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Message 16/18             11-Mar-03  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks


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anyone know where the rest of this is. It stops after week 8 and then the assistant has his own thing going but it's not as good. anyone know if there is more or what happened that made him stop?

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Message 17/18             11-Mar-03  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks


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click on the link that says "click here to see the latest post"
which goes past week8.. but then it stops again.

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Message 18/18             11-Mar-03  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: why modern rock sucks


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Found it already but thanks mang

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