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Subject: Does Paul McCartney suck?

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Original Message                 Date: 15-May-03  @  10:13 PM   -   Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Since he married Heather Mills? A program about her on the television last week, showed her for what she is - a gold digger. So does poor old Paul suck, or is he a sucker?

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Message 11/55             16-May-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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As a person... no idea coz I don't know him, as a bass player he is SHITE!!!!!

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Message 12/55             16-May-03  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Jock Munro

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It must be great shacking up with a bird with only one leg. Just think of the fun when going into pubs. "just a perrier for the doris mate, she's already legless". How the hell they manage doggy style is beyond me. Perhaps they prop her up on bricks.

Gotto give Macca credit for knocking out some classics in his time. Although it seemed to of dried out after The Beatles. Never really thought that much of Wings or his solo stuff.

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Message 13/55             16-May-03  @  11:49 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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"we all stand together"


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Message 14/55             16-May-03  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Steve Roughley

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Hahahahahahahahaha! LMFAO @ Jock   Tee-hee-hee.


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Message 15/55             16-May-03  @  01:56 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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but he did do ebony and ivory......gasp!

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Message 16/55             16-May-03  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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oh GOD! - the suckiest song in history!!

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Message 17/55             16-May-03  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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werent one of the lines in that "you are black, and I am white, lifes an eskimo pie, so lets take a bite" ?

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Message 18/55             16-May-03  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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always struck me as very corporate (not so much meaning large financial entity)

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Message 19/55             16-May-03  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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Paul's always been a sickeningly sweet pop star! The Beatles were a boy band, then they did Acid! Whatever you say he wrote some damn useful melodies and harmonies in his day... but he never had the power that John had, or the skills that George had (we'll just leave Ringo out of this).

HE WAS NOT A GOOD BASS PLAYER, perhaps after 40 years with the thing he's gotten all right, but he was never any better than passable.

Who gives a sh+t why he married the girl? Of all the topics we can discuss in relation to PM this has to be the last on my list of interesting things.


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Message 20/55             16-May-03  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I respect him. He's stayed relatively humble considering the religous zeal that so many people have for the Beatles. I mean that's got to mess with your head quite a bit; over 30 years of having people's lives changed by what you've done. There's only a handful of people that have been in that situation.

I'm not a fan of all his solo stuff, but there were a couple good tracks here and there. I like the albums Ram and McCartney.

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