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Subject: xoxos vs. clay

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Jun-03  @  04:15 PM   -   xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 6231

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fantastic concept..

come on, mud-man, let's demonstrate

our contestants: xoxos, pure abstraction, meme, plain old consideration, love, and boy, love can be tough..

clay: base form, malleable, returns to itself, everyman's man, earthbound and humble, let's rumble..

what hand shapes you, oh clay.. perhaps you are the foundation upon which pyramids are built..

is it love that causes you to offer your hand, "brother, are we not so different.. come, know peace, be mud with me.. look on the bright side, forget your troubles"

earth-captive! beetho! "accept.."

child and still yet father of flesh! what spirit it may possess.. a clod.. does iteration renew the spirit?

are you 'down' with calling people 'dawg?' lowest common debilitator, prideful of being humble "grr, i said join me, brotherr..."

didn't i tell you once where i'm from? didn't i tell you once where i'm from? aah, dull, little light

"aah, sorry dawg, my bad" echoes until the feedback overdrives and cracks the amp, sad mongoloid children bumping onto each other on the playground, laughing and tearing at the weak, pustulent skin, and laughing, laughing as ice crystals jut through the skull

are you clay? is that what you aspire to be? are you proud that this is what you are, acceptance is your great proclamation?

hiphop! cobblestone!

dude, your music is like being clubbed to the ground by inbred cops

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Message 11/43             08-Jun-03  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay

dr. quagmire


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you ain't paid up xoxos.....
and you're pummelling yourself again.

you know the story about the boy who cried wolf.
go read it if you've forgotten it.

pretty soon there will be no merry whistle blowers or drum beaters.
just you beating on yourself...that mighteeee
chest of yours.

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Message 12/43             08-Jun-03  @  04:16 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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Am I missing something here..?

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Message 13/43             08-Jun-03  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 7627

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heh. no shit. cognitive dissonance

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Message 14/43             08-Jun-03  @  06:46 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay

man called clay


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as far as i recall.....i've never called anyone dawg....or dog.
nor do i call people bitch.
or ho.
some imagination you got. least you're being creative.
thusly the poetry.
do savor the victory. you really seemed to need this one.

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Message 15/43             08-Jun-03  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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clay, are you a scientologist?

you dodge like one, specifically with the 'poor me' stuff.

not to be repetitious, but you spout humility so
proudly...surely you see that? with the *reason* being
upholding the greater good of humanity through this
seasoned grasp of communication of yours [seemingly].
just seems an odd route. this isn't an attack, but your
way of reasoning [and apologist, self-excusing
response] seems almost cult-generated.

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Message 16/43             08-Jun-03  @  02:49 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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wog....i appreciate this mannered observation regards my psychological and behavioral tendencies but i am no scientologist, to my best knowledge.
i'm not aware of the specific teachings of scientology and, frankly, am not really that interested. i am, however, taken by surprise when seemingly intelligent people can jump into civil discussions and heap belligerent slogans and accusation upon people....especially those whom it has been requested of to keep a respectful distance.
and especially when sloganeer claims to be "totally done" to explaining himself.
as for the 'woe is me" aspect of my character....sure, it can be deemed a flaw but it
suggests not much other than the fact that i've seen a lot. and know all-too-well that it takes less than a provocative argument to incite stupidity in others. i.e. jealousy, greed, mob mentality....
wanton desire for destruction.

but yes....these experiences don't set me apart from others. they just deepen my conviction that it's always okay to try to find a middle ground for understanding.
it's simply worth it sometimes to just let the bullshit go and get to the things one enjoys in life.
this is easier than for others.
for some, it's simply impossible.

i strive to be party to the first group.
it's just a different sort of victory, i guess.
neverthless, it's one i believe in.


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Message 17/43             08-Jun-03  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 7627

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god I never realized how stupid I looked all those times I had a "fight" with someone here

now I do

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Message 18/43             08-Jun-03  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


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Message 19/43             08-Jun-03  @  07:59 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 673

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I - does that mean you won't in the future?

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Message 20/43             08-Jun-03  @  08:09 PM     Edit: 08-Jun-03  |  08:10 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


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finger slipped, post coming

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