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Subject: this whole illuminati thing

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Original Message                 Date: 13-May-03  @  09:13 PM   -   this whole illuminati thing


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someone just sent me an unfortunate article on the illuminati

the unfortunate part is that its from a "born again christian" who throws the concept of "satanic influence" around rather irresponsibly...

but...damn...what if it were true? the whole NWO thing..and not just in a political sense, but a genuinely mighty group that worships evil?

damn. heavy shit!

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Message 11/29             13-May-03  @  11:28 PM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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"right but apparently they feed us TRUTH so we wont SEE it " big lie,
fair play

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Message 12/29             13-May-03  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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"could benefit from reading Foucaults Pendulum by Umberto Eco" uhhuh... unless you try reading it in german and decide to give up on reading long books altogether and develop a distaste for umberto eco.

still, its a horribly long book which tells you what you've known all along before you even opened it i say.

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Message 13/29             13-May-03  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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behold a pale horse, eh?

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Message 14/29             14-May-03  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing



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you wascally wabbit

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Message 15/29             14-May-03  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing



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"...tells you what you've known all along before you even opened it..."

my point exactly


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Message 16/29             14-May-03  @  02:09 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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and I've BEEN to the Musee D'Arts et Metiers. It was awesome. I've seen the Pendule. That book is definately dope, but says a lot about manifest destiny. Long book, convoluted, but in the end if you have your wits about you, it all adds up and it's amazing. I digress. Truthm but not all of it, and little bits of bullshit to obscure the paths to the keystones that allow things to really bind, correlate, and verify anything that could be damaging/exposing to the invisible.


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Message 17/29             14-May-03  @  05:16 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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Message 18/29             14-May-03  @  05:18 AM     Edit: 14-May-03  |  05:31 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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"Behold a Pale Horse"

I met and spoke with the author about ten years ago. It was sort of an assignment in which a friend and I were to make a determination regarding the validity of his book and his ideas based upon a lecture we were paid to attend. I can tell you that he is an idiot and, as should be obvious to anyone with a clue, an utter fraud.

Prior to speaking with him my friend and I sat in the audience for his lecture. Lunacy. He's a nutter, full fecking stop. His audience of followers are even zanier than he which doesn't seem possible but through some miracle of disorder, chaos, and defective genetics its true. I never really had a grasp of the idea of the "lunatic fringe" until this event. They make Trekkies look like the top 1% of MENSA. Hmmm, maybe MENSA isn't the greatest example.  

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Message 19/29             14-May-03  @  05:55 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing


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call me thick but I fail to see the connection...think tanks!

lovin that counter-opinion on the pale horse book

Ill probably track it down and read it anyway.

Pongoid...I appreciate your input but...most of what you said sorta just plays into the rather comical theatrical mysteriousness of the whole thing...

do you have any first (well...somehwat) hand experience with these sorts of things?

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Message 20/29             14-May-03  @  06:26 AM   -   RE: this whole illuminati thing



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Careful there, Influx... Pongoid shows many of the signs of freemasonry...

As does brother Cooper... displaying the game and explaining the rules, Only to be dismissed by the bright and followed by the fringe. Do not for a second think that those protestors who stand in parks in groups of 10 or less are genuine! They are paid (or devoted) to make the every man think their causes and concerns are idiocy!

Our friend Pongoid has a bit of the "genuine" about him. And he is well traveled. And will likely effect EXTREME frustration and idignation at being referred to as "enlightened", to be sure!


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