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Subject: What do you call...

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Mar-03  @  07:16 AM   -   What do you call...



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....A US black muslim soldier who throws a grenade at his fellow soldiers? (confused is one obvious answer)

I'm becoming so attracted to knowing this "religion of peace".

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Message 11/25             23-Mar-03  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 673

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then the Q is how many are US soldiers are being killed out of engagement each day. Still, why is this a story.

THere is a film directors rechnique, a genre i think, where everything you see is there because the director put it there.

quick shout for dZihan and Kamien album Gran Riserva

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Message 12/25             23-Mar-03  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: What do you call...

Def Z


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Okay Zazza, I'm watching the video, and aside from a couple of specifics (like some names and dates), there is nothing there I didn't already know. Naive? Nah. Hopeful? Sure. The US goverment has done some pretty crappy things. Doesn't change how I feel about the war, though. Is the US government hypocritical? Sure. So is everyone.

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Message 13/25             23-Mar-03  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: What do you call...

Def Z


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Unfortunately, the video is upside down and inside out...

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Message 14/25             24-Mar-03  @  01:53 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


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some encoding problem probly

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Message 15/25             24-Mar-03  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 2003

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I suspect that it was just a young pissed off soldier. This finding a terrorist under every stone is bullshit. From the looks of the casualty reports I saw, most of the troops on 'our' side have so far been killed by weapons accidents and friendly fire. Doesn't say much for our abilities or the Iraqis.


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Message 16/25             24-Mar-03  @  09:11 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 1502

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Def Z: Hopeful that there really is goodness and light in the hearts of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and George W Bush and the rest of the multi-billionaires?

I hope you're right, but I'm not hopeful..

This is about power...

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Message 17/25             24-Mar-03  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: What do you call...



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I've been wanking for peace.

So far I've collected 2 pints of baby gravy.

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Message 18/25             24-Mar-03  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


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Message 19/25             24-Mar-03  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 90

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Let it go Jon, talk about generalising...gez

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Message 20/25             26-Mar-03  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: What do you call...



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I thought it was bollock batter ?

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