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Subject: My Weed Problem

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  03:32 PM   -   My Weed Problem



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I've a problem. I'm addicted to weed. I think I need weed to make tracks but when I smoke it I end up, after 20 mins, turning off the studio and turning on the TV.

While I watch the TV, I say to myself "I gotta give up the weed". I say "I don't need weed to make tracks. I'm gonna give up and have my last puff this Sunday".

I go to work and get excited about the fact I'm gonna give up weed 'this sunday'. I go into the studio during the week and smoke 'my last quarter' and just mess about on the computer 'getting things ready' for my new life being weed free and actually making some bloody music.

So, it gets to Sunday and I have my 'last big puff' and go through all 'the routines of my last day puffing'. It gets to Sunday night and I pack my 'last' joint with a ten draw cos its my last puff, I'm going to really make an effort 'this time'. I smoke my last joint and go into my studio and stick on Massive Attack "protection", cos that's the right music to listen to whilst having my 'last smoke'. I go to bed and feel excited.

I get up on Monday morning and feel fine. I finish work and rush home to get into the studio all sober. I switch on the PC, load up some drums and say "jesus man, I could really fancy a puff" and "I can't be creative without some weed".

About 7'oclock Monday night, I ring my dealer and get in the car, park on his dodgy estate and buy some weed. I rush home, skin up, last about 20 mins and then turn on the TV.

And so the cycle continues.

D'you think I should just give up music making, resign myself to the fact that this is all just some dream and I ain't never gonna make shit..?

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Message 11/32             28-Mar-03  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


Posts: 154

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hey maybe also switching up ur studio
routine- like just f*cking around and have sum
fun w/ fruity loops if u usually use cubase, or
collaborating with someone if u usually work
alone. Probably best if you collaborate w/ a
non-weed smoker ;-) i dunno...i'm just
brainstorming over here.

Get rid of your tv?

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Message 12/32             28-Mar-03  @  10:37 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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you goldurn kids all hopped up on western civilisation. i bet you are in love with your stupid television and you want to kiss it, like a big wanky baby don't you.

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Message 13/32             28-Mar-03  @  10:47 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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Dr X has spoke.


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Message 14/32             28-Mar-03  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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I knocked it on the head two months ago and my productivity rose shitloads. I wanted to give up fags more and had patches so I couldn't smoke anything.

I'm skinning up now mind you.... After the break I've managed to wean myself down to a couple at the weekend. Sorted. Enough for a bit of a vibe but so monged I sit here for ages just listening to tunes.

Goodluck dude, try and find a happy medium. Its taken me ten years and I dont know if I'll stick to it but the tunes are coming right on.

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Message 15/32             29-Mar-03  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem



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the TV instructs you to blame it on the plant. sucker.

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Message 16/32             29-Mar-03  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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its just fucking POT and it is YOU, YOUR MIND, telling you/allowing you to think that you are "addicted"


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Message 17/32             29-Mar-03  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

man called clay


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rule one: always ask your GOOD friend the dealer ....FIRST!

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Message 18/32             30-Mar-03  @  09:12 AM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

healthy choice


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I smoked weed every day for three years and then I just quit. Not everyone, but most people tend to suffer from amotivational syndrome (chemically induced laziness) when they smoke a lot of weed.
Motivation is strongly tied to neurochemistry.
My advice, excercise and eat right. Just go for a long walk everyday. You might try taking some St. John's Wort. Its an herb that helps depression and anxiety. You can be very depressed and not feel sad at all. It may just manifest its self as feeling lethargic, an inability to make decisions, and procrastination. Try to avoid a lot of sugar and junk food. Eat lots of raw vegetables and adequate protein. I don't object to people using any drug they choose but I found that for myself that they just burn me out more.

Good luck

Good luck.

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Message 19/32             30-Mar-03  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


Posts: 6231

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herbs rule your life, victim. motivation is "strongly tied to" having something you want to do, which is actually a total sign of lameness.

you're like the ass fucking president of the world... you can't make concrete statements that aren't true, so you make these wishy washy false statements of falsehood to reinforce your paranoid belief system... "oh please tell me it's true, it's so comfortable.."

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Message 20/32             30-Mar-03  @  02:19 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

Dr Jekyl


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so i was saying to my mother the other day - you fvkin jerkoff tithead - that when its good its good but when its bad, well it never gets bad - my friend - cos thats when i take drugs

but the next day she calls me up and asks why i never get depressed

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