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Subject: Ironic

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Apr-03  @  05:43 PM   -   Ironic


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Message 11/103             03-Apr-03  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Still, ALL AMERICANS are categorically & definitively stupid.

The difference between an AMERICAN and a US citizen has a lot to do with flag-waving, etc.

Americans should all be hanged, by their own hand.

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Message 12/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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I'm not advocating anything here, but it is beginning to look like they will be!

The talk has begun in ernest: Syria, Iran...

"I'm not finished yet!"


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Message 13/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:04 PM     Edit: 03-Apr-03  |  06:10 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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panic in detroit

White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
Black people gotta lot a problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick
An' everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
An' nobody wants
To go to jail!
All the power's in the hands
Of people rich enough to buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it
Everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
Nobody wants
To go to jail!
Are you taking over
or are you taking orders?
Are you going backwards
Or are you going forwards?

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Message 14/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:05 PM     Edit: 03-Apr-03  |  06:06 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Fucking scary, dire times, these.

I'm not advocating anything either, except euthanasia. And graffiti. And documentary photography, and music making.

But damn, these fucking idiots cultivated stateside, ready to go and fight for what? Maybe because someone told them it would be needed, to ensure their "freedom" which is as much a myth as that Amerikkka is a free country.. Ha.. I laugh. But it's nervous laughter.

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Message 15/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:06 PM     Edit: 03-Apr-03  |  06:07 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Nutoniom = frostbyte??

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Message 16/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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nutoniom, no capital dammit !

yes, strange and ironic, innit ?

"While Middle East burns and suffers
The lobby cheers and cracks in laughter"

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Message 17/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Fine, no caps.


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Message 18/103             03-Apr-03  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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never thought of it that way, nobody

American VS US citizen

ok...I can get with that. Id have to agree there's a definite distinction you euros see the difference? dunno.

and, of course, while the AMERICAN war machine stomps around on its own personal playground, the US CITIZENS who want no part of it will certainly suffer the consequences.

fackin 'ell! as you would say

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Message 19/103             03-Apr-03  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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yeah whatever we all invent proprietary terms and distinctions but I don't think that it's a big deal to say "the Americans" when you mean "the portion of the American population which supports/accepts/is blind to the ____ policy".

a lot of people think I'm too cynical but damn, nobody, you take the cake. and piss on it ;)

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Message 20/103             03-Apr-03  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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you know... the mexicans etc. used to get mad when people said 'americans' and really meant 'us residents'... the whole damn continent is america (north america, south america, all americans). i bet they don't mind as much now though.

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