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Subject: Michael Jackson

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Feb-03  @  01:06 PM   -   Michael Jackson

Broken Silence


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My God how did someone not say anything about him yet!

so....wat do yall think?

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Message 11/29             21-Feb-03  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: Michael Jackson

Broken Silence

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and before flailing his scarfed baby at germans

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Message 12/29             21-Feb-03  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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The way I see it, he's still mentally stuck on age five- when the Jacksons started getting thir attention. It's just slumber-parties, tree-climbing, castles and he really tells lies like a five year-old would. With that in mind you should watch the interview and it'll become most clear.

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Message 13/29             21-Feb-03  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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did you see him in the Bashir interview where he was tweaking out pissed while forcefully holding/feeding his scarved baby. that was scary.

He may not mean harm, but do you really think he hasn't caused any to those young kids who sleep in his bed? I mean, come on...


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Message 14/29             21-Feb-03  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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I always was a firm believer he did kiddies.. but after the interview and working the imagination- I think otherwise now...

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Message 15/29             21-Feb-03  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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I haven't seen the interview but I can imagine it's nothing more than slimy,sensationalist shite.Jackson has real head problems anyone who would have their face mutilated like he has needs help.Would any of you allow your kids to spend the night alone with a grown man in their bed?Is it possible that these individuals are allowing their children to associate with Jackson in order to extort money out of him at a later date?I wouldn't want to be in his head or have his life.In my opinion wanting to be alone with other peoples children is highly suspicious and worthy of investigation even if nothing sexual is taking place I don't think that it's healthy to allow children to be in contact with someone as obviously disturbed as he is.

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Message 16/29             21-Feb-03  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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100%, Pict. This kind of thing wouldn't be allowed to go on in any community across the U.S., but since it's Michael in the country Neverland, it's ok? No, it's not!

What were they saying on the interview... that even the police with a warrant couldn't get into Neverland without Michael's permission? Is that for real??

And I had never considered the future-lawsuit parental consent before but it's probably true and dreadfully sad.


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Message 17/29             22-Feb-03  @  12:58 AM     Edit: 22-Feb-03  |  01:01 AM   -   RE: Michael Jackson

Steve Roughley

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No way is he a paedophile! As Maarten stated, he has been severely damaged through all manner of neuroses creating experiences from the age of five (Let me repeat that... FIVE. Just a bloody child man!). This is where he will stay. If anything, he is going to be mentally unfit for any sexual act legal or otherwise. He is a perfect example of the kind of case that Freud studied when creating the 'Theory Of Sexuality' and the 'Interpretation of Dreams'.

As I have said, MJ didn't stand a chance! At heart, he seems to be a very nice guy. But his head was scrambled at completely the wrong times and in completely the wrong ways for those times.


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Message 18/29             22-Feb-03  @  02:31 AM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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I kind of agree with Steve and Maarten, but then I kind of don't. I REALLY want to believe he's not a pedophile. MJ is right when he says that children need to be closer to their parents, and adults, and need to be held, caressed, and love, love, loved........BUT,the fact that these words come out of the mouth of someone who's been charged with child sexual abuse is a little frightening. He's got such pure ideas of what the world should be like, but anyone over the age of 16 knows that love, peace, bonding parent/child thing isn't very realistic these days. I do believe he has the mentality of a child, but I also believe he has the hormones of a grown man, and putting the two together leads my thoughts in a very bad place.

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Message 19/29             22-Feb-03  @  03:08 AM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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Whatever you say, Tricia McMillan. Or is it MacMillan? Been a while since I read those.

Too bad about Mr. Adams though eh?

Michealle Jackson looks like Liz Taylor.

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Message 20/29             22-Feb-03  @  03:13 AM   -   RE: Michael Jackson


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Glad you made the connection Asshole.

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