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Subject: Saddam Interview

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Feb-03  @  12:40 AM   -   Saddam Interview



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Anyone catch it with Dan Rather (SP).

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Message 11/37             28-Feb-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Or maybe Saddam knows some ancient Middle-eastern art of saying a few words and causing instant death, that'd be cool.

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Message 12/37             28-Feb-03  @  09:54 AM     Edit: 28-Feb-03  |  09:57 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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errata: 'Our government CANNOT kill Saddam no matter how much they'd like to... It's against both world and American laws to assasinate another country's leader... and the culprit would be a bit too obvious in this one... '


Yeah, right...

'USA Today'

Spying on Americans, toppling adversary regimes, even eliminating certain foreign leaders — all actions long regarded as forbidden for the CIA and other agencies — are back as policy options in the wake of Sept. 11. The shift has taken place with little public debate or formal government action.

blah blah...

Some history for you...:


President Ford imposed a ban by executive order in 1976 following revelations by the Church Committee of CIA involvement in planned or actual assassinations of, among others, Cuban President Fidel Castro, Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, Chilean President Salvador Allende, Dominican President Rafael Trujillo, and Che Guevara. A policy of assassination poses a dangerous risk of backfiring - the United States as an open society is particularly vulnerable in this regard - and is obviously a blatant violation of the right to life.

This ban has basically been lifted since 9/11..

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Message 13/37             28-Feb-03  @  11:22 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Well, when the SAS had Sadam in their sights they were told to back off. Killing him will only create a Marter anyway. It won't get rid of his threat at all.

As for the CIA, they have toppled countless regimes using information alone. They could do it again if they wished. But again, it is probably not in the 'best interests' of the US and the UK.

It was quite funny when Saddam challenged GWB to a fist fight. Can you imagine the ratings that would pull in?  



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Message 14/37             28-Feb-03  @  12:34 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview



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if they kill him then they cant spend billios of taxpayers money on replacement expended munitions and weapons orders (all nicely tendered thru Bush Snr's corporation who Colin Powell also works for and who Bin Ladens family owns about 30% of the stock) - lol!

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Message 15/37             28-Feb-03  @  01:13 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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you cynic you...!

What you mean the USA is cash rich and needs an empire to invest in?

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Message 16/37             28-Feb-03  @  01:16 PM     Edit: 28-Feb-03  |  01:20 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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This is all very Karmic anyways..

Q: Who paid for the weapons and training for Osama and his Muslem fundamentalists when they were giving the Russians grief?

A: The USA

Q: Who paid for the weapons and training for Saddam and his cronies when they were giving Iran grief?

A: The USA

Q: Who paid for the weapons and training for the war in Korea?

A: The USA

Q: Who is now giving the USA grief?

A: Osama and Saddam and Korea


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Message 17/37             28-Feb-03  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Zazza...for your information: there's 2 korea's...find out witch one is backed by the US and which one is causing them grief.

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Message 18/37             28-Feb-03  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Message 19/37             28-Feb-03  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Message 20/37             01-Mar-03  @  08:03 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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This must have come up when Junior was doing alphabet with Uncle Donald?

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