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Subject: everyones doing it!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Nov-02  @  01:18 PM     Edit: 30-Nov-02  |  01:20 PM   -   everyones doing it!!!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I am starting to get very annoyed with all of the software piracy that is going on. Yesterday at my university, two of my lecturers were talking about where to find cracks for this and that, and I'm thinking, am I an idiot for paying??? I don't know if it is jealousy or what, but I have paid thousands, THOUSANDS!, for software (again, am I an idiot?), leaving me broke alot of the time, while so many people are just stealing and still have money to go out to clubs and have fun, and it really pisses me off to hear of people doing this.

This is part of the reason that Emagic moved to Apple, and badly affected users such as myself who have paid ALOT of money for this stuff. Don't get me wrong, I have no major moral hangups about it, but what happened to supporting those who provide you with the products that you use? I actually feel quite screwed over!

I'm sorry if it sounds like I am winging, I don't mean to. Any input from other paying users would be appreciated.



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Message 11/49             01-Dec-02  @  12:57 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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well, i meant as long as you´re messing about with it, trying stuff out, getting to know whats right for you... personaly, i think logic platinum is worth every penny for all the power, in fact i am in complete awe of it. but i dunno if i could convince anyone to pay for a pc version anymore considering circumstances...

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Message 12/49             01-Dec-02  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Anyone heard of "Demo Periods"??? With software you get far more trial time than you do with hardware. I mean, I got 30 days with Waves Native Gold bundle, and I was sold in 2. If it was hardware, I'd have had an hours session with a Sales Executive to decide. In fact, I didn't even get to test my Virus C as it involved a trip to flipping London! Using cracks to get a feel for software is a misnomer and pointless.

To be honest, I truly enjoyed those moments when my box arrived (ooohhh, it's christmas for the big boys now kids    ) and I knew it was my Waves Native Gold bundle, or my Logic Platinum, the fact that it was £### (bargain!) disappeared for a few days.

If I found that someone had been stealing Access Virus synths, I'd form a man hunt and lynch the fucker! Sure, software may be a very abstract version of its physical counterpart, but it does the same job, so it will warrant the same price tag, and if you aren't willing to pay for it then why are you going to use it in the first place???

Anywho, it's good to know that I am not alone on this one. I was becomming somewhat disillusioned.



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Message 13/49             01-Dec-02  @  01:42 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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"so it will warrant the same price tag"

nah. not the same price. far no software (cept PT) costs anywhere near what similiar hardware would cost.

I still think some SW is overpriced if you look at the cost/profit ratio but whatever. $500 for Cubase SX, right?

damn...thats a WHOLE studio in a box!

dunno...prevailing attitude seems to be that everything should be free and no one should have to work for it.

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Message 14/49             01-Dec-02  @  03:09 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!

Def Z


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I call it the Napster generation...

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Message 15/49             01-Dec-02  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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and who taught them? 

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Message 16/49             01-Dec-02  @  04:46 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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There's no point getting your knickers in a twist over it,because there's absolutely fuck all you can do about other people's piracy just be true to your own moral code that's hard enough in the face of overwhelming temptation to do otherwise at times.

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Message 17/49             01-Dec-02  @  12:03 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Nice one Pict!  



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Message 18/49             01-Dec-02  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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Like it or not, we as human beings have not found a way of safeguaring information/data/algorithms/music so it is uncopyable. Perhaps that's nature's way of saying that such ideas and creations are not meant to be "owned" for the sake of making a profit. Perhaps such things should be free domain as soon as they are created for the good of humanity. It's a paradigm shift no doubt, but think about it...


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Message 19/49             01-Dec-02  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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bullshit. I have NO problem with product for products sake. Come on psylichon..that "software should be free" thing is DEAD...

are you like a 35 year old ex hacker?

there's no reason why SW shouldnt be paid for. People put in time and effort to develop it, just like anything else.

again..might be overpriced, but...all should be free?

sorry homey but thats just too much.

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Message 20/49             01-Dec-02  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!

Def Z


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It's just a fancy way of saying "I'm lazy".

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