aaa Would YOU sell a track to POP? - The lounge forums
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Subject: Would YOU sell a track to POP?

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Oct-02  @  08:39 PM   -   Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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So I'm doin' little today, and thought I'd stir the pot!

Screw politics, religion and other coffee house banter... Here's one to really get your feet muddy.

Would you sell a track to Britney, Christina N'Sync et al... ???

Come on kids, fess up. $50,000 for a 5 minute fluff number filled with "Philly Hits" and one note bass lines...


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Message 11/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I'd do it. Me and my mate churn out pop songs for this very purpose. No joy yet though. Britney, Kylie, any fucking one really. I sell my music all the time, animation, tv, and you don't get to keep royalties a lot of the time, so getting a very popular singer to sing one of your songs is a very good deal, seeing as you get the royalties. (unless they change one word in the verse just so they can have a cut)

I really don't see a problem. If i was some very good producer, then i might think twice about remixing any of them, but writing a song for them? any fookin day. I'm hardly gonna be a popstar myself and i can't sing, so if i can write a tune, what's a poor welsh boy to do?  

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Message 12/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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"but um, er... Techno is the new punk rock, and um... uh, we're not sell outs and... " LOL
two letters.. B T

my girlfriend is so cool.. she is playing super Mario on color gameboy... and she just started to play ps2.. she is slowly turning into a geek like me ..yeah!

My friend works at Microsoft and i was chatting with him and he said

"somedays i feel as i should wear knee pads to work"

its all about money... and as of now i am broke... if i wanted to support myslef thru music and not do anything else then may be.. i really dont wanna be a part of pop industry But I would like to do music for video games or movies.. and the style of music i am doing is definreltey not gonna be on a movie or game that wold take a chance so no big movies or etc.

food is good

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Message 13/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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It's a double edged sword, in all seriousness. I probably would do it, if it paid well. It would have to be a fairly sweet deal. But I think I do have a price to some extent.

That said, I don't know about actualy signing with a lable for my own work. See, I could divest myself of personal interest if I knew I was writing a crap commercial track! And then I'd have no problem. But if it was to pimp out my hard work, I'd have a different answer...

I'm personaly way more in to live performance than releasing records any way! But who knows???


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Message 14/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I guess thats true too

but..the thing is...if its something you disagree with, and then you do something that helps it move along...if you contribute, then youre contradicting yourself...

aww fuck I really dont know. Sometimes I think Im so fucking full of shit and living in some dream world

I hear that a lot from people

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Message 15/73             02-Oct-02  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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don't support that untalented shit music.

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Message 16/73             03-Oct-02  @  12:24 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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oh come on. you can come up with more than THAT cant you?

what if you REALLY needed the money. Not just WANTED IT (which far too many people call 'need') but were hungry, no place to live..or were at least facing eviction, etc?

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Message 17/73             03-Oct-02  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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it's hard to imagine having the option to sell a track to Britney's production team when you can't make rent. I mean, these huge pop tracks pay thousands, not groceries.

that's what I'm getting at. Not, will you starve for your art... but do you have a PRICE!???


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Message 18/73             03-Oct-02  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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so youre what point do standards (real or perceived) get pushed aside?

what number?

me..I wouldnt do it. I dont want to be yet another whore. plenty of em out there

b-sides..this is all stupid. Aint no one gonna want my shit for a pop song, and I couldnt write one if I tried

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Message 19/73             03-Oct-02  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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I said the same thing too.. The type of music I make wouldnt be in anything mainstream anyways... so no worries about some people in bussiness suits knocking on my door and give me a huge cardboard check like Publishers Cleaning House for million dollars to remix a Britney Spears yeah.. no is good.

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Message 20/73             03-Oct-02  @  05:37 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


Posts: 76

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ive slaved long and hard to scrape together what
might be called a decent home studio/setup. and
now everytime i hear a pop/dance/cheese song on
the radio i'm tempted to throw one together and
make some of my money definitely gonna
keep doing my own shit and push that...but if my
pop career takes off ill just deny everything i
said here  

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