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Subject: neccessary force

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Nov-02  @  12:20 AM   -   neccessary force



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So there was a high speed chase that happened a few hours ago around here, and it ended a few blocks from my house. This guy apparently had been running for an hour or something, while firing shots behind him at the 20+ police vehicles following him. After his second collision with another vehicle, he's stuck and the police approach the vehicle, at which time he decides to pull out a rifle and point it at the cops. Apparently every cop on the scene felt it neccessary to put a few bullets in him. From my house I heard about 30+ shots fired, and I don't think he even got one off. All within about a three second period. Somebody also wanted to 'make sure he's dead' or something, because after about almost a second of silence somebody put 3 more rounds in him.

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Message 11/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:46 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 1005

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The problem I have with the police is that,in my experience and that of many others I know,they abuse the executive power of the law that is in their hands due to not being either intellectually or psychologically equipped for the job.All this lying down with your face in the filthy street while some heavy built,armed and armoured,servant of authority barks fascist sounding commands at you,while standing on your neck is a degrading and unecessary way to deal with unarmed suspects.

I know people who have had relatives beaten to death in police custody in Glasgow and no charges were ever brought against the police.If we're going to have a civil militia I think they should go through extensive psychological screening during training(and at frequent intervals thereafter if they graduate)as well as reasonably high academic demands being made of them to help dissuade the mentally less well equipped individuals that we meet up with in uniform these days from attempting to join(the dark side of)the force.I think accountabilty for their actions has to be the prime consideration in a police force if it is to have any legitimacy.

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Message 12/39             15-Nov-02  @  05:57 AM   -   RE: neccessary force



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spot on influx

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Message 13/39             15-Nov-02  @  08:50 AM   -   RE: neccessary force



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Message 14/39             15-Nov-02  @  08:52 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 4573

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man you people are broad on the generalizations.

Are policemen known to be corrupt? yes.

Are most cops crooked? no.

Anyone disagree?


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Message 15/39             15-Nov-02  @  10:16 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 2890

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yeah. fuck the pigs maaan!

besides, i'm bored with the sheep around here.

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Message 16/39             15-Nov-02  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 7627

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"The problem I have with the police is that,in my experience and that of many others I know,they abuse the executive power of the law that is in their hands due to not being either intellectually or psychologically equipped for the job.All this lying down with your face in the filthy street while some heavy built,armed and armoured,servant of authority barks fascist sounding commands at you,while standing on your neck is a degrading and unecessary way to deal with unarmed suspects. "

bro. pict


and like I said..those FUCKS should be removed from power.

but we are not talking about unarmed poor little innocents here

we are talking about armed robbers, car "jackers", murderers, etc who are 100% in the wrong and have NO respect for OTHER PEOPLES LIVES...and risk them with their every move

FUCK those pieces of SHIT, man. I wish that we could kill them ALL immediately so people like me who just wnat to god damn live my fucking life without some testosterone laden ASSHOLE fucking it up for me

fuck all the gang shit. fuck all the bikers who thump on anyone who looks at them. FUCK all the assholes who run from cops and put other people at risk just because they dont feel like paying the penalties for what theyve done. KILL THEM ALL

good fucking riddance

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Message 17/39             15-Nov-02  @  10:48 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 2082

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Yeah, talk about stereotyping... sjeesh, *most* of em are there for your own good. Unless you are of the psycho & packing kind...

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Message 18/39             15-Nov-02  @  10:53 AM   -   RE: neccessary force

you are the judge


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Did he get a ticket? you are on the potentially arresting officer on the scene, there are no witnesses - you decide

layer 1: officer caught speeding

layer 2: officer caught drunk driving

layer 3: officer removing goods from scene of electronics store robbery

layer 3b: officer removing goods from scene of electronics store robbery - you have worked with the officer/member of same social society

layer 3c: officer removing goods from scene of electronics store robbery - officer offers 'take' of value of goods removed

layer 4: officer altering evidence to support questionable prosecution

layer 4b: officer altering evidence to support questionable prosecution of known criminal

layer 5: officer offers cash to join prostitute protection racket

layer 5b: officer threatens violence/job security to remain silent/join prostitute protection racket

possible combinations:

rank of officer / officer is well respected

mutual membership of social society (masons, etc) / 'connectedness' of officer

officer has known history of violence

officer has information damaging to you / has 'let you off' in the past

... what is the upshot if any of the occasions lets the officer off

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Message 19/39             15-Nov-02  @  10:58 AM   -   RE: neccessary force



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I agree, however, I can't help but think the police get some jollies speeding down the road tracking down these idiots like riders on a fox hunt and in doing so put other people on the road at much greater risk of being inadvertantly killed or injured by the frantic driving tatics of those idiots trying to outrun the law. Look at Waco. They could have got the job done with minimal force by waiting for David Koresh down the road but had to go in with mega testosterone and guns blazing which killed everyone involved including childen.

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Message 20/39             15-Nov-02  @  11:20 AM     Edit: 15-Nov-02  |  11:21 AM   -   RE: neccessary force

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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^^^^ I really like and know what you're saying influx.



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