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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 11/113             21-Jun-99  @  11:14 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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>>No profound wisdom here

The only error in this reply..

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Message 12/113             21-Jun-99  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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To the original post,

I'd say those guys were a bit of dreamers. They were doing the music they love the most and if you had your dream goal nailed already when you were some 20s or 30s, you probably wanted to find something off world or more spirtitual blah blah blah well.. plus they had too much money on their hands and could afford the drugs.

But hey those artists are rarely working anymore. They were good but usually only the first few work they did early in their careers. They usually sucked (intensely) after that and their late work went down hill for they never did the art they loved with the same heart they used to have anymore.

Those who are still working or actively worked for more than a decade or two are usually those who are clean or eventually clean. That is what I see.

my .02

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Message 13/113             21-Jun-99  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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For me, I don't think that they are the cause/result of creativity, but they're a symbiot of creativity... Meaning that the same personal inadequacies and tricks of the psyche cause me to be driven to create as well as ingest.

There's a hole in our soul that we fill with dope, and we're feeling fine!

Having said that, I'll be making the pilgrimage to Amsterdam in August... Anyone from Holland?


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Message 14/113             21-Jun-99  @  02:32 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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I'm dutch...

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Message 15/113             21-Jun-99  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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You don't find that many established dance musicians will freely admit to using drugs to enhance the music... If many do... I'll have a bit of a smoke, but I find that I quickly get bored. or I'm just not happy with the sound, when I'm straight or after maybe one beer then things really work for me.

Depends on the music really, could you imagine any Dub or Reggae musicians not smoking dope?

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Message 16/113             21-Jun-99  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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You don't find that many established dance musicians will freely admit to using drugs to enhance the music... If many do... I'll have a bit of a smoke, but I find that I quickly get bored. or I'm just not happy with the sound, when I'm straight or after maybe one beer then things really work for me.

Depends on the music really, could you imagine any Dub or Reggae musicians not smoking dope?

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Message 17/113             21-Jun-99  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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I don't tend to use much while actually composing, but many of the patetrns and riffs I come up with to start off songs are conceived in a heightened state of being...


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Message 18/113             21-Jun-99  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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any response that begins something like "I once knew a druggy,and..." is pretty much pointless,dontcha think?.

You'd have a pretty hard time convincing me that drugs (including alcohol),music,and religion aren't pretty well tied together.Whoever said that record companies would call someone a drug user just to make them seem cool (and sell more records) is incredibly naive.There so much bullshit about how drugs ARE NOT cool in the world,even right here on this board,that it just wouldn't make good business sense.

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Message 19/113             21-Jun-99  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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This is a tough subject for several reasons:

1)public misconceptions and generalizations about drugs

2)government propoganda rationalizing the vast sums of money spent trying to keep substances out of countries

3)moral stance type issues are always tough for the public to swallow.

Now, it should be no surprise to anyone how easily people can be manipulated via the media and especially the so-called authorities, which in the States is mostly the US Government, the FBI, and the Christian Right. These people have waged an impressively effective campaign in the media which has resulted in Joe Blow off the street not knowing the differences in addictiveness, intensity, and physiological and psychological effects between something like heroin and something like pot.

If heroin were the only drug on earth (or crack, pick any hard drug you like) then I might be able to deal with public drug policy. Most of the things the "authorities" say will happen if you do drugs actually does happen to heroin users, including ODs, HIV, crime, weight loss, etc. Look at your average pothead and about the only symptoms you'll see are an appetite for junk food, a touch of laziness, and some reversable short term memory loss.

It's also hard to seperate social results of drug use from the economic results of drug use. If smackheads could get extremely cheap heroin and a regular supply of clean needles, I'd be willing to bet drug related crime would drop to zero. You might have may more OD's , though, which brings up my next point.

I like to think that I'm intelligent enough to make my own decisions about what is good and bad for me. I don't need/want my government/church/police department telling me what's good and bad. And I take responsability for the consequences of those decisions. If people would use their heads to make informed decisions, and then accept the consequences of those decisions, the world would be a much better place. What if, you say, people aren't smart enough to make those decisions? Then I say fuck 'em. I'm not trying to sound incompassionate, but maybe I need someone to charter a country where the laws are written in such a manner that intelligent people get to do what they feel is best for themselves.

OK thanks for listening to my political rant.


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Message 20/113             22-Jun-99  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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agreed Craig.... I've seen the body's zipped up in the bag, and listened to the thump-thumpety-thump of the corpse's head bumping down the stairs as they cart the body out the house while the girlfreind has hysteric's....(fresh ones !! - the neck is still floppy) - and it is always from buying some dogey shite drug's which have been cut with something bad or something that the user is allergic too, and they didn't expect it to be in the brown etc etc, and that happens cos the drug is treated NOT as a medical problem like in Holland where there is hardly any drug related crime, but instead all the hysteria is there and drug addicts are treated as criminals... thus you ergo criminalise the scene, force it into that arena of related crime...

but despite that stupidity... it's still only about 5-10 heroin deaths in the UK per annum compared to 150,000 from booze & ciggies... go figure.... it's simply a case of corporate politics... alcohol & tabacco companies are the worlds biggest drug barons, causing the hugest amounts of death & carnage... but they pay billions in tax annually to keep it that way.... it's a mad world when we spend millions (sometimes billions), to stamp out a 'drug' that causes a handfull of deaths annually, whilst promoting another couple of drugs that are totally decimating our societies with hundreds of thousands of deaths annually, plus all the violence & destroyed lives that go with it.....

really, it's all about corporate/political power... if even dope & ganja is made legal all those 3rd world countries gain massive political & financial power.... anyways it doesn't matter which drug... as long as we all on drugs, we won't be bothered to take action... DOPE THE MASSES WITH DRUGS... SELL THEM STUFF... - THEY CONSUME - THEY DIE ... fin...

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