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Subject: Guitar Band Talk

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  06:39 PM   -   Guitar Band Talk


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Was listening to Steve Lamaq on radio one for a change. They were talking about the current guitar band scene and discussing how it's an interesting time for guitar bands. Kinda like the late 80's cause all the labels (major and minor)A&R people are sitting in the front two rows at all these small gigs. Basically trying to find the next "Strokes" or "White Strips".

Apparently major labels are going back to the old school. Basically, trying to find bands and nuture them into the next "U2" or "REM". There's this band in Denmark (can't remember the name) and they were totally unknown out of their country. Even in their country they only played gigs and didn't ever record/release anything. Anyway, word spread and they've just been signed for a 7 figure sum.

The circle turns and now the labels are heavily into signing guitar bands. Its cool watching bands (I'm not a regular guitar gig attender) like Ash and The White Stripes though, cos there is always this strange kinda sexual tension going on between the male lead singers and the female guitarist/drummer. Its like go and rent a bloody room!

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Message 11/67             03-Oct-02  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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Emo sucks ass. Boring music, boring lyrics, and those bands have the most boring live shows I've ever seen.

Buffalo is filled with that shit.


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Message 12/67             04-Oct-02  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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stupid fucking lookatmeimdifferent name anyway.

Emo. ptooey

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Message 13/67             04-Oct-02  @  03:11 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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"Emo sucks ass. Boring music, boring lyrics, and those bands have the most boring live shows I've ever seen.

Buffalo is filled with that shit. "

So is Seattle.
Thanks.. I tought I was the only one... Its a big fashion show.. i keep seeing these guys in hick hats.. like the ones with mesh and have somme trucker thing on it.. it doesnt make sense... anyways.

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Message 14/67             04-Oct-02  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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reconciliation of mutant genes with programming. "okay, okay, i'm ordinary! let me fuck!"

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Message 15/67             04-Oct-02  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


Posts: 505

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screw rock.
If you can't make something good out of it, I don't want you to emulate someone who "saved" it, therefore killing it again with imitators.

RHead might as well be electronic now anyway...
Kid A is as classic as it gets.

And those trucker hats make me sick. They sell them at urban outfitters for 30 bucks.

The state of intelligence in this world just never ceases to amaze me.

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Message 16/67             04-Oct-02  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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" They sell them at urban outfitters for 30 bucks. " god damn right.. ahh fashion.. so funny sometimes.

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Message 17/67             06-Oct-02  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


Posts: 237

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rock and roll lives here.

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Message 18/67             06-Oct-02  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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WEH-HEY!!... got my drummer yesterday!... and fuck me can he play!!!... he plays real jazzy and fluid & Mitch Mitchell-y/Moon-y too, sorta Dave Grolsh crossed with Keith Moon - but best of all he can actualy lay down a groove which alot of dynamic drummers cant do! ... heh, at one point he was going off on this really fast funky jazzy thing at double time and it started to become drum & bass even! - Anyways, it'll be worth coming to see live that's for sure, we sounded fucking great even without a bass!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/67             07-Oct-02  @  10:24 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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is rock an influence to you guys when you make music. I listen to alot of rock but i don't think it affects me making music. But if we getting into that subject - i really like incubus. Goodshit!

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Message 20/67             07-Oct-02  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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"the new stuff? CRAP."
i really beg to differ. I like todays music - they starting to blend electronic/rock/hiphop etc. Really good stuff. Makes me drool...  

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