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Subject: no mas virtual orchestras aqui

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Original Message 1/24             18-Feb-04  @  03:17 AM   -   no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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i remember the old days when human-virtual guitar players hunter & wagner
stood off-stage playing the parts for alice cooper's band
when it was deemed their abilities and excesses were an obstacle to a great
live rock performance.

i kinda think les miserables would be more impressive without a computer
playing the orchestration.
no...let's not kill ALL the live musicians.

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Message 2/24             18-Feb-04  @  03:20 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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just as i found it disappointing to see a moby or bt
and expecting a cool electronic show and finding we all became a rock-band
somewhere along the way.

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Message 3/24             18-Feb-04  @  04:45 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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I've never understood the mentality behind most live electronic "shows" I've attended. Either the audience doesn't get it - they stand watching the artists mix their music on stage when the point is to be dancing (it must be terribly disheartening for the artist), or the band doesn't get it - they are performing "songs" using a band type paradigm (think VNV Nation) but there are only two of them on stage "performing" whilst a DAT machine quietly spins at the console (terribly disheartening for the audience).

I saw a ballet during an AFM strike once and they used recorded music. It was joyless for everyone concerned.

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Message 4/24             18-Feb-04  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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File?:  No file is possible that there can be no such thing as a cool electronic show...
but i still take delight in the fact that the likes of terry riley, steve reich....
phillip glass...all have somehow tried to perform their work in a fairly hands-on manner.
tangerine dream, kraftwerk....omd.

but i also like it when vince clark just hits that pc button and plays some acoustic guitar with no pretense of it being some huge masterful act.
even though we know it is.
never stopped us from going-off & working up a sweat, though.
us nor andy.

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Message 5/24             18-Feb-04  @  08:48 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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prodigy and prml scrm were good live as they had a good mix of electronic stuf with real instrumentation....thats the way forward....


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Message 6/24             18-Feb-04  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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"but i also like it when vince clark just hits that pc button and plays some acoustic guitar with no pretense of it being some huge masterful act."

yeah but somehow in this culture, it's a masturful act to do a non masturful act, and they still got your $40 or whatever they charge nowadays.

sick of anything that people do. death to people. give me back my land so i don't have to siti in a box and get excited about seeing osmeone be non exciting for a change.

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Message 7/24             18-Feb-04  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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thing is....andy sings it out like few humans ever have.
something i think you could do were you to seek elevation as a sometimes-goal....
x...instead of being the perrenial wet-blanket you seem to take such pride in being.'d be choice.....but i'd have to give you some doggy-uppers wouldn't i?!?!?!

and you know...there's a lot of land out there where one can pitch tent and bag.
dudes are going to be doing it tonight....guaranteed. personally...i like a pillow and schumann to comfort my small bubble which is my head.

problem is you gotta make it to town occasionally to withdraw that moo you get from selling your house.
and don't let the field-yippies know you got it. they tend towards regular and very unfaked-hunger....
and are often-rightly-motivated by the temporary-reduction of such state.

before you go out there...i think you should make a monumental "xoxos sings the blues"....sample cd.
fuck...i'd personally love one myself and would be willing to pay for such a thing.
you still got a little time friend.

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Message 8/24             18-Feb-04  @  06:00 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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and i neglect to mention perhaps the best show i've ever seen in the electronic domain....which was art of noise when they toured as a nine-person unit...featuring 3 girls who sang ah.....
and a rhythm section which could've fronted a weather report meets funkadelic session....and with a techno-wizardry hard to describe....
and the phenomenal anne dudley playing a black grand in a beautiful black dress.....
total wow.'s done however occasionally.

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Message 9/24             18-Feb-04  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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anyone ever see "the orb" live?

orbital kills it too, but...probably a little more show than go

would have loved to have seen art of noise!

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Message 10/24             18-Feb-04  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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i actually saw the orb live... could tell what they had behind their thuge cloth covered podests, let alone if they were doing anything with it. looked, and sounded cool definitely...

oh, and also ran into this girl i knew who thought Orbital were playing. she was let down a bit when she found out  

that bald phatty geezer from the orb came and danced with us later on the floor... cool geezers.
it was kinda cool that it wasnt a full-on rave. just the Orb concert with a small party afterwards

fun gig, thanks for reminding me!

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Message 11/24             19-Feb-04  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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experienced alex patterson of the orb spinning a set here in sd.
man he had a very wild and varied set. all styles and time zones and frequencies covered....and every one hugely danceable.
he'd mix way out west with future sound of london and then a million things i'd never heard...crazy cool drums etc.

orbital too....were cool...... but i do honestly think they were actually playing some of their simpler parts during this tour. i detected a slight off-phrase here and there.....
which was okay with me....
and then again it could've been wishful thinking on my part.

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Message 12/24             19-Feb-04  @  05:32 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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no, they play some of their stuff definitely. but its mostly the MMT8s, and a mixer...muting and unmuting.

cool guys tho

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Message 13/24             19-Feb-04  @  06:24 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Philip Glass! One of the best shows I've ever seen. I saw him in Florida a couple of years after Glassworks was released. The Philip Glass Ensemble are some of the most intense performer I've ever seen. To watch them (he included)perform those pieces, all live with no sequencing or background recording, was truly something that I'll never forget. When you talk about Glass, Reich, Xenekis, and their ilk you're talking about an entirely different class of composer/musician. VNV nation and their ilk will never be in the same league.

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Message 14/24             19-Feb-04  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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san diego - you remember crash worship?

singing.. lol! why? "we are slaves, you don't care, because the assman has reduced your pokings to only twice a weeeekk.. thanks a fucking buuuunch"

dudes will be like throwing their drinks at me.

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Message 15/24             19-Feb-04  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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or all over the inside of the machines....that's okay.

we always bring towels and a change of clothes anyways....right.

as for crash rings a serious bell......but i can't remember which bell.
that wasn't the guy/girl dark-electro duo was it? database fails me.

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Message 16/24             19-Feb-04  @  10:10 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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and perhaps i judged too quickly but i remember peeping some vnvn and similar stuff while a part of the is electro-pop list close to
the aforementioned glass or reich or riley.

most of it's pure banality in my opinion but then again maybe i just never made it to the good songs.
crunching mediocre progressions and melodies over hard-driving but nevertheless mediocre rhythms while making sure your boot-tops hit your knees and your hair
didn't funk-up up your mascara......well....
for me that always results in the big HUH!?

i did like messiah for a short while there, though.

and i'm always open to being educated/persuaded..... but by someone who doesn't look like they stepped out of a comic book.
i'm not sure why but that always makes me snicker too hard to pay attention anymore.

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Message 17/24             20-Feb-04  @  02:32 AM     Edit: 20-Feb-04  |  03:19 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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I don't have a problem with flash & glam (in all its various incarnations) but it better be backed up with something. VNV fans seem to think they're the "new" Front 242 or something but F242 had five people participating in the show when I met them. One dude prancing about with a mic and another posing behind a single synth in front of some lame projected images while a backing tracks play for an hour is bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to give some new local electronic act a break and a pat on the back for trying but after a few years and on an "international tour" charging $20.00 buck a head they better pony up with the fecking goods or get a real job.

Also, don't think a abhor VNV Nation because I like a few of their recordings for what they are - its the same way I like my old Technomancer compilations if I'm driving long distance and I don't want to be distracted from the task at hand. However, if I go see a live act they better be fecking live or have some kind of dog and pony performance art that makes my jaw drop. If not, I'll slag 'em no end. Damn, Skinny Puppy put on a great show when I saw them on the Too Dark Park tour - a 15 foot bio-mechanical behemoth from which Ogre emerges and is subsequently accosted by and video screens brimming with disturbed visions made up for any sequencing.

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Message 18/24             20-Feb-04  @  03:45 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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crash worship were from zendik farm.. a sd commune that moved to texas ~91. lots of drums, people wearing clay, fire, orgy stuff. very "audience participation.." think i did a long post describing them about the time you showed up here, so that might be it.

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Message 19/24             20-Feb-04  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Zendik Farm! They're in Asheville, NC now. I got one of their mags from a hippy chick I was chatting with in downtown Asheville awhile back. Talking to her, then reading the mag; I'm torn between thinking they're nutters and being intrigued by their community. Frankly, it sounds too good to be true but if it is true then they really have a pretty good thing going. How bad can it being living on a communal farm with a bunch of neo-hippies outside Asheville, NC? They invite anyone who wants to crash and participate in their community for a period of time to do so. If you want to become a permanant member there is a some hippie screening process you have to go through. I guess they assess your patchouli rating or something. All kidding aside, there is a secret part of me that wants this place to be for real just to know that a place like it actually exists.

Its worth a look, you decide...

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Message 20/24             21-Feb-04  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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yeah.....i kinda remember that post.

it seems a few wild things started here in san diego.

like iron butterfly.

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Message 21/24             21-Feb-04  @  05:29 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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dont forget La Jolla

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Message 22/24             21-Feb-04  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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the people i've spoken to from zendik seemed a little flaky, reactionist, but that's the people i've met, and fairly natural in and of itself imo given the agitant mileu :p

having been a city dweller most of my life, any alternative community has the potential for wonderful experiences, ie. wandering around in nature getting wasted with no pigs. it's an experience i wouldn't pass up :p living in arcosanti was sorta like living in new york or some other cultural center.. i'd imagine zendik is less international. there are bunches of communities out there.

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Message 23/24             22-Feb-04  @  02:20 AM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui


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Zendik seems a little cult like to me.The rock of his church carrying the true gospel on after his ascension to heaven type of thing.

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Message 24/24             22-Feb-04  @  05:35 PM   -   RE: no mas virtual orchestras aqui



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that stuff always scares me.
you get worse cops enforcing weirder rules than society can provide sometimes.
oh brother clay didn't walk naked to church while fetching water for his brothers etc. while we passed around his girlfriend etc.
as we consumed the heavenly brew etc.

i'm sure there's some cool ones (communes) out doubt...
but oh... i've known a few-such-guys who seemed to suggest that they had all the answers to life yet while wanting what i wasn't able to give...
which was my freedom>
to think what i want....when i want...where i want..and with whom i want.

from my prison-cell of course.'s raining...time for a molson!

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